Am I considered active?

I'm a stay at home mom so every hour I walk around for 10 mins. I do this for 12 hours. 7-7 normally. I get around 16000-19000 steps in a day. If I don't do this, I hardly move other than housework and taking care of my kids. I'm also starting to do weights and strength straining 6x a week.

So when I'm calculating my tdee, would I be considered active? Moderate or heavy?



  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    Yes, you are definitely active.

    Walking plus the weights 6x a week would make you very active.

    Where do you walk to when you walk?
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    How long have you been here? I am very active, although I still list myself as sedentary. It is the best way for me to figure out my CICO. My TDEE is somewhere around 1800-2000, I have my calories set for 1800. MFP wants them to be 1540. I would lose so much weight at that number, you would never see me, lol. Fiddle around with the numbers until you find what works best for you!
  • Sexy4pkabs
    Sexy4pkabs Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2018
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Yes, you are definitely active.

    Walking plus the weights 6x a week would make you very active.

    Where do you walk to when you walk?

    I just walk in the house. Through the hall, rooms.

    As it gets nicer out I go for a 2 hour walk outside pulling a wagon with 2 little kids in it
  • Sexy4pkabs
    Sexy4pkabs Posts: 8 Member
    mk2fit wrote: »
    How long have you been here? I am very active, although I still list myself as sedentary. It is the best way for me to figure out my CICO. My TDEE is somewhere around 1800-2000, I have my calories set for 1800. MFP wants them to be 1540. I would lose so much weight at that number, you would never see me, lol. Fiddle around with the numbers until you find what works best for you!

    I've been here a while. But haven't been on the forums much. Ya I think I'm about the same for my tdee. I just didn't know if the walking just 10 mins at a time every hour still makes me active. I was losing by about 3 pounds a week doing that and eating 1200 calories. But I binged like crazy a lot. So now I eat 1600-1800 and lowered my weight loss to .5 pound a week. But I increased my protein a lot.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    You should be fine
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    Sexy4pkabs wrote: »
    mk2fit wrote: »
    How long have you been here? I am very active, although I still list myself as sedentary. It is the best way for me to figure out my CICO. My TDEE is somewhere around 1800-2000, I have my calories set for 1800. MFP wants them to be 1540. I would lose so much weight at that number, you would never see me, lol. Fiddle around with the numbers until you find what works best for you!

    I've been here a while. But haven't been on the forums much. Ya I think I'm about the same for my tdee. I just didn't know if the walking just 10 mins at a time every hour still makes me active. I was losing by about 3 pounds a week doing that and eating 1200 calories. But I binged like crazy a lot. So now I eat 1600-1800 and lowered my weight loss to .5 pound a week. But I increased my protein a lot.

    This was smart. Run with that for at least four weeks to see whether you're trending the way you want (and how you feel), and then tweak accordingly.