20 lbs by vacation

Hi guys! I'm Amanda. Started mfp sunday and today is my 3rd day. This is probably by 50th time starting, but hey I'm here! Lol. So i go on vacation june 3rd. They say the heavier you are the "easier" it comes off... My first mini goal is 20lbs at least by june 3rd. Right now I weigh 373, I'm 30 years old and mfp gives me 2000 calories to eat a day. I've been staying active so my fit bit is telling me I'm burning 3400 a day!
I just want to be able to do this. I want to have fun on vacation and even though 20lbs is nothing compared to the 200+ I need to lose, it's a start :)
Anyone else have small goals like this? We can cheer each other on!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Small goals is a terrific idea but don’t be disappointed if don’t quite get there though. Just keep going! Baby steps!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited March 2018
    I just responded to your other post, but you give more details in this one that makes it easier to give advice.

    At your weight, you should be safe losing 3 lbs/wk to start which is pretty close to what your numbers indicate you should be doing on average. Keep in mind that you won't drop the same weight every day or every week because weight fluctuates.

    MFP won't let you set a goal higher than 2lbs/wk which for you would be around 2400 calories per day. If I were in your shoes I would not have Fitbit and MFP connected since you're not letting them adjust your calories anyway. It might be confusing especially since you're just getting started.

    I'd use MPF to track my calories in and use Fitbit to keep me on track with my physical activity (calories out).

    Having said that, if you're finding it difficult to stick with the 2000 calorie goal, IMO it's better to eat a little more and let the weight come off slowly than to get discouraged and give up altogether. And keep in mind you can always make adjustments as you go along.

    This certainly isn't the only way you could go and perhaps some others here will have some other useful options for you to consider.

    All the best.
  • KaitlynPeri
    KaitlynPeri Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Amanda!

    I’ve broken my goal into steps too. It’s definitely more manageable than looking at the overall picture. Lose 25lbs 4 times instead of lose 100lbs in total! Good luck you got this!
  • JamieMommy1985
    JamieMommy1985 Posts: 92 Member
    You can do this girl! One day at a time. :)
  • Ladybug_lover
    Ladybug_lover Posts: 31 Member
    Should I let mfp adjust my calories if i workout? Eating the 2000 hasn't been a problem, yesterday I only ate 1800 and then mfp didn't give me my 5 week aim! I just want this weight to come off so ill do whatever i need to do. In my mind I thought if I didn't count the exercise, then I would lose weight faster. But I know a lot of things going to play with it like my metabolism
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Should I let mfp adjust my calories if i workout? Eating the 2000 hasn't been a problem, yesterday I only ate 1800 and then mfp didn't give me my 5 week aim! I just want this weight to come off so ill do whatever i need to do. In my mind I thought if I didn't count the exercise, then I would lose weight faster. But I know a lot of things going to play with it like my metabolism

    Faster isn't always better. I recommend doing what you need to do to sustain your plan over time. You have a lot to lose and in my mind the most important thing is to learn how to eat at a reasonable calorie level for life so that you never find yourself back here again.

    As I said above, you can safely lose 3 lbs/wk if you feel you can sustain yourself on 2k calories/day. That's kind of something you have to experiment with and figure out as you go.
  • Ladybug_lover
    Ladybug_lover Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you!
  • SoulOfALion5
    SoulOfALion5 Posts: 115 Member
    All the very best of luck on your fitness journey.
  • wildfinches
    wildfinches Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Since I started using MFP to track my caloric needs I realized that I needed to stay around my goal to lose 1 lb a week regardless of my exercise. I noticed that when I allowed the app to automatically increase my calories as per the exercise, I ate more which wasn't necessary!

    I also noticed how important it was to get the macros right. I customized mine to more protein and less carbs, as your body is going to need more protein for recovery if you plan on exercising regularly! I hope you're able to lose this weight for your vaca! I've been following my daily caloric amounts and macros, plus doing p90x and I've lost 8 lbs in 35 days!! This app really does work when you stick by the numbers!!

    Good luck with your progress! You got this!