Geeky Mom - 80lbs to lose - Day 1 today!

Hello Everyone!
I'm a 33year old married mother of 3. I have had myself on the back burner for too long. After the birth of my third child I lost 65lbs by getting out there and walking with her every day, but have since gone back to work - gained a little back - and am ready to get back into that healthy space I was in and hit my goal weight.
I'm a huge HP, DW, LoTR, and Disney fan.
I'd love some friends on here to help with motivation and accountability.
Thanks & Here I Go!


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Welcome. This is all about sticking with it.
  • DisNerdMama267
    DisNerdMama267 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! :) I'm new to tracking - last year just stayed active and tried to eat fairly clean.

    My breakfast was a wakeup call this morning. lol
  • DazPaul82
    DazPaul82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Katie, I'm Darryl a 35yo father of 1 (so far) hoping to loose a good few pounds to help keep up with my fast growing 18 month old daughter! I'm just starting out and I'm hoping to stick with it!