Intermittent fasting fans

Vovo80 Posts: 1 Member
Hi there, just joined and looking to engage with anyone who is / has tried intermittent fasting for weight loss. Could use all the tips and tricks I can get.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If you need tips and tricks to make it work, it's probably not for you. If you naturally like eating your meals within a smaller than "normal" window, and it helps you stick to your calorie goal, go for it...
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have done it and love it!
  • Faygetshealthy_2018
    Faygetshealthy_2018 Posts: 53 Member
    I have tried it and loved it. Gave me a boost of energy. I was doing it everyday and lost weight on it. I stopped doing it everyda and now do it a couple of a days a week. I do 16:8 so fast for 16hrs and eat my calories in an 8hr window. Omg, the first few days were hard as I got dizzy, faunt but after 3 days I was bursting with energy. It also best to excercise a few hrs before you break your fast. That stage in your fast burns alot of fat. Drink lots of water and unsweetened drinks like tea or coffee to fill you up if you get hungry. Please be mindful of your calories. I wasn't tracking my calories with IF and I think I didn't lose as much as I hoped. The first month of my weightloss journey I lost only 1kg but wasn't doing IF. Second month I started IF I lost 2.7kg so it was a big difference, third month I lost 2.2kgs, fourth month 800grams. This month I am not doing IF everyday but sometimes I have dinner early then don't eat till next day 9 or 9.30am so it kind of happens on it own. Since I didn't lose much last month, I decided to start tracking my food intake and calories and boy I did realise I was eating more than I should of. So I could've lost lots more weight on IF if I was tracking my calories. I will definitely be doing IF everyday again once I have a little break and just learn portion sizes. First week on the app and tracking calories I lost 1.6KG so I am excited for my next weigh in on Friday as I have been under my daily calories and exercising daily. There is a guy on youtube, his channel name is Fledge Fitness, he has really good videos about IF. I also watched some other youtube videos and did some research about it and loved it.

    Please add me if you wish. We can definitely motivate each other. Good luck!
  • Annalliflosca
    Annalliflosca Posts: 5 Member
    I have only been doing IF since 9th Feb this year but love it and don't want to go back. I have already been lifting and eating well since Feb 2016 but since doing the 16/8 intermittent fasting I can see results and my family notice already too. I slipped into it so easy I found. First week I did 14/10, then 16/8 from there. I work long shifts and nights and I find it fits well with work. :) Still learning and follow many on you tube like Dr Berg, Tim DeLauer and Fledge Fitness too.
  • HowAreYaNow
    HowAreYaNow Posts: 20 Member
    Love IF, just started again on it after being off of the whole shebang for a year and change. Like others say, the first 3-5 days are miserable, but once you get though that, you start really getting in tune with your body's signals. The hardest thing to do is pinning where exactly you want to break your fast (It should be around the same time every day) and sticking to it. I do a 18/6 fast/feast module and it's a bit extreme at first, but it's the only way I can reliably do my calories.

    Good luck! Also, Leangains has a lot of science and some well thought out articles based on IF methods.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member

    Is the location of the group if you are looking for more information/support.
  • mahnoorup
    mahnoorup Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2018
    I love IF. It comes naturally to me since I've never been a breakfast person. BUT I used to binge late night, or snack a lot till I went to bed and fasting consciously helps curb that.
    If you are a breakfast person and get hungry in the morning some things that help are drinking black coffee and drinking lots of water - drink water till you feel full lol - helps you meet your daily water goal too!
    Feel free to add me, I'm looking for more friends on the app to hold me accountable!