Help needed?

I am really unhappy and uncomfortable with how I look. I suffer from anxiety and it's all I can think about all day. Are people looking at me because I'm fat?

Anyway I've recently had an epiphany and I've decided that I won't let this continue, things won't get any better unless I make them better.
I've been tracking my calories and have joined a gym!!

So far I'm doing 15mins fast walking on treadmill followed by 5 mins intense running, 15-20 on the exercise bike, 10 cross trainer and 5-10 rowing machine. My tummy is my real problem area and need advice on what I should actually be doing and what's most effective as I'm currently just a fatty blubbering about everywhere


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Welcome! TO lose weight, you need a consistent calorie deficit, and the most effective to achieve that, is to make sure you're logging your food intake correctly, and stick to your calorie target. Then you just have to be patient and have realistic expectations. Exercise is good for you, but don't depend on exercise to lose weight.
  • BreannaB473
    BreannaB473 Posts: 87 Member
    Feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other