Weirdest Thing You've Found While Walking/Biking/Running



  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    So many things I've considered starting an Instagram just for that.

    Weirdest lately:
    Frying pan

    See. This makes sense.

  • Emerald_Warrior
    Emerald_Warrior Posts: 238 Member
    orangegato wrote: »
    The inside padding of a football helmet. And condoms.

    I second the used condom :s:|
  • Emerald_Warrior
    Emerald_Warrior Posts: 238 Member
    The way I worded that is weird but I'm too tired to figure out how to make it better :/
  • hughesma102
    hughesma102 Posts: 14 Member
    I found a women's Discover card on a run.
    No I did not use it. I cut it up.

    Worst find was a pair of men's underware.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I walk the same trail every Saturday and Sunday morning. I go over a bridge of that trail that I hook up to about 1/4 mile down, but I kept seeing people walking under the bridge, so I thought I would try it. It was last year. The day after Daylight Savings time. I walked down to the river that the bridge goes over. I turned the corner and was under the bridge. I walked right into about a dozen homeless people. Shooting up meth. Everyone stopped and looked up at me. I wasn't about to turn back. I just walked through the middle of them herfing on my cigar. Got about half way through when the alpha male looked up. I said, "Hey, did you guys remember to set your clocks ahead an hour?" and kept moving. I don't go under that bridge any more, but it is still occupied.
  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I walk the same trail every Saturday and Sunday morning. I go over a bridge of that trail that I hook up to about 1/4 mile down, but I kept seeing people walking under the bridge, so I thought I would try it. It was last year. The day after Daylight Savings time. I walked down to the river that the bridge goes over. I turned the corner and was under the bridge. I walked right into about a dozen homeless people. Shooting up meth. Everyone stopped and looked up at me. I wasn't about to turn back. I just walked through the middle of them herfing on my cigar. Got about half way through when the alpha male looked up. I said, "Hey, did you guys remember to set your clocks ahead an hour?" and kept moving. I don't go under that bridge any more, but it is still occupied.

    LOL!!!!! OH dear. Good thing you reminded them about that pesky Daylight Savings Time!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Nothing weird but I did find a baby turtle one time, it was so cute and I wanted to take it home but I let it go back to slowly crossing the trail.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    No picture, but last summer I found a sealed 11x17 magnetic wipe board w/marker on the side of the road. It's on my fridge. Now, if I could just find cash...
  • MizzBree
    MizzBree Posts: 265 Member
    edited March 2018
    An owl that had just gotten run over :'( and he was still able to turn his head 270°. Spooky..
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Strangest thing I found was a monkey in the forest.s2ofy0av9man.jpg
  • Sherri2018
    Sherri2018 Posts: 7 Member
    I was jogging and found a sterling silver bracelet on a dead end wooded road in Kentucky. I figure she was joy riding in the passenger seat with her hand out of the window and whoops!
  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I usually walk about sunrise on the weekend. About 10 years ago, some guy tried to jump me from behind as I was on a bridge going over Johnson Creek. I threw him into Johnson Creek. Came home and told my wife about it. She got all upset. Told me that I shouldn't be walking on this trail because of the homeless people taking over. I've been walking this trail since 1990. Not going to get run off. So, to placate my wife, I got my Carry Permit and started bringing a pistol with me. 8 years go by. No problem. Then, one day, I decide to go at sunset rather than sunrise. I pass some guy and I notice he's paying too much attention to me. Walked about a mile and looked back to see he was about 200 yards back. Went another 1/2 mile and looked back and noticed he was about 100 yards back. Came up over a hill and saw two other guys coming towards me about 100 yards away. Looked behind me and the other guy had closed the gap to about 20 yards behind me. I stopped. Everybody else stopped. One of the two guys in front of me, pulled a machete out and started swinging it at the bushes along the trail. I pulled my Remington out, jacked a round in the chamber. Everybody turned and ran. I didn't tell my wife about it. She'd probably ground me.

    Damn ... Can you imagine if you didn't have the pistol with you .
    This is exally why I don't want to walk alone when I do my walks !

    I have been walking that trail for over 30 years now. See a lot of the same people all the time. Over the last 10 years, because of the homeless problem, they have, at times, taken it over. I've only had a confrontation 4 times in that 30 years. What really bothers me though, and I know it is because of the way I look, sometimes I will come around a bend, or up over a hill and run into a gal, walking alone, coming towards me. I can tell, when she looks at me, that she is immediately fearful. Makes me feel like shlt. They are probably safer than any other time, when they are near me, but I can see that they are scared. They take out their cell phone or don't make eye contact. Can't help the way I look.

    I'd walk with you in a second. In fact, in your area, I think that's the ONLY way I'd walk!
  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    Strangest thing I found was a monkey in the forest.s2ofy0av9man.jpg

    OMG! ROFLMAO! That's brilliant!
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    The opioid crisis has hit Yosemite apparently.
    Nope, I am drug free! :joy:

    My two best running finds
    I found a prosthetic leg once.
    And I went for a run along a beach in Hawaii and ran into a nude section of the beach.

  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    The opioid crisis has hit Yosemite apparently.
    Nope, I am drug free! :joy:

    My two best running finds
    I found a prosthetic leg once.
    And I went for a run along a beach in Hawaii and ran into a nude section of the beach.

    "Hey! Anybody lose a leg?"

    You aren't REALLY running until your leg falls off. >.< How do these things happen is what I'm wondering. Haha. I want to know the stories behind how these items get lost!
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    Strangest thing I found was a monkey in the forest.s2ofy0av9man.jpg

    He’s just hanging around
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I usually walk about sunrise on the weekend. About 10 years ago, some guy tried to jump me from behind as I was on a bridge going over Johnson Creek. I threw him into Johnson Creek. Came home and told my wife about it. She got all upset. Told me that I shouldn't be walking on this trail because of the homeless people taking over. I've been walking this trail since 1990. Not going to get run off. So, to placate my wife, I got my Carry Permit and started bringing a pistol with me. 8 years go by. No problem. Then, one day, I decide to go at sunset rather than sunrise. I pass some guy and I notice he's paying too much attention to me. Walked about a mile and looked back to see he was about 200 yards back. Went another 1/2 mile and looked back and noticed he was about 100 yards back. Came up over a hill and saw two other guys coming towards me about 100 yards away. Looked behind me and the other guy had closed the gap to about 20 yards behind me. I stopped. Everybody else stopped. One of the two guys in front of me, pulled a machete out and started swinging it at the bushes along the trail. I pulled my Remington out, jacked a round in the chamber. Everybody turned and ran. I didn't tell my wife about it. She'd probably ground me.

    Damn ... Can you imagine if you didn't have the pistol with you .
    This is exally why I don't want to walk alone when I do my walks !

    I have been walking that trail for over 30 years now. See a lot of the same people all the time. Over the last 10 years, because of the homeless problem, they have, at times, taken it over. I've only had a confrontation 4 times in that 30 years. What really bothers me though, and I know it is because of the way I look, sometimes I will come around a bend, or up over a hill and run into a gal, walking alone, coming towards me. I can tell, when she looks at me, that she is immediately fearful. Makes me feel like shlt. They are probably safer than any other time, when they are near me, but I can see that they are scared. They take out their cell phone or don't make eye contact. Can't help the way I look.

    i get it people act the same way towards me. for what ever reason they assume that i'm going to do them harm. i've seen lady's grip there purse or cross the street just to avoid me.

    as far as thing i've found well out it's a long list. money, camera, cell phones, wallet, credit cards, bike, keys, and bank cards, and a little beg of pot. i through the pot in the garbage can and returned the rest