Please help I am in Need of motivation

I keep eating junk and I can't seem to stop I want to lose 1st but can't seem to please help me. xx


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Motivation has got to come from within yourself. I don't think there any magic words anyone can use. You have got to want to do this. It's normal to fall off the wagon on occasion. But if you want to do will. Keep your chin up and don't beat yourself up. If you fall down, you get back up! Best of luck to you!
  • reagan612002
    In many cases the need to snack is boredom and craving junk food is because your body lacks something. Be sure you are taking a good multi vitamin and have a hobby or soething that can take up your attention. I also pummle water when I start getting really in the mood for sncaking on junk food. After about a liter I dont have the urge as much.
  • michaelabridezilla
    Motivation has got to come from within yourself. I don't think there any magic words anyone can use. You have got to want to do this. It's normal to fall off the wagon on occasion. But if you want to do will. Keep your chin up and don't beat yourself up. If you fall down, you get back up! Best of luck to you!

    Thanks I have been trying I really really have. xx
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I love junk food as well, the trick is to eat them in moderation, and to find ways around them. I love something sweet after dinner, always have, so instead of a big container of ice cream, I buy fromzen yogurt, or ice cream in the individual serving size, that way I do not over eat it. The other thing I do is a fruit, with a T Marzettis chocolate dip, you actually use less then a serving, when you use one serving of fruit, no need to smother it. Hope it helps, if you need a friend feel free to add me.
  • michaelabridezilla
    In many cases the need to snack is boredom and craving junk food is because your body lacks something. Be sure you are taking a good multi vitamin and have a hobby or soething that can take up your attention. I also pummle water when I start getting really in the mood for sncaking on junk food. After about a liter I dont have the urge as much.

    I don't like 'just' water could I have a coridal wit water?x
  • michaelabridezilla
    Igwmab I have added you as a friend.xx
  • Islasgirl
    Islasgirl Posts: 19 Member
    Junk food and soda is so addictive. But cut it out cold turkey for about two or three weeks and you won't be tempted and if you do slip you will find the food now tastes terrible. We all slip up and the key is not to beat yourself up and think you are a failure. It's a mind game we are in as much as a physical game. Treat each day as a brand new day and start over if you must. Good luck!
  • michaelabridezilla
    Junk food and soda is so addictive. But cut it out cold turkey for about two or three weeks and you won't be tempted and if you do slip you will find the food now tastes terrible. We all slip up and the key is not to beat yourself up and think you are a failure. It's a mind game we are in as much as a physical game. Treat each day as a brand new day and start over if you must. Good luck!

    I love my fizzy pop. xx
  • irefusetoquit
    Years ago when I cut out soda and fried foods after I started exercising, the weight started to come off. It was very difficult at first. But I researched what was in them and I didn't want them anymore. Instead, I drank water. It took time, but I appreciated water because 1) your body is made up of 90% water 2) water hydrates you when exercising 3) water can help prevent you from overeating. In the first two months exercising, I lost 7pounds. I've been exercising now for over four years, and I've lost 34pounds.
  • reagan612002
    Anything that fills and hydrates. I really dont like exercise, but thats how I get in shape.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I've said it before, but it really is true...

    You have to want it. Seriously. You have to want it more than junk food. More than sleep. More than sitting on the couch. You have to want it.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    For me the trick is to find a healthier alternative. So when I'm really craving ice cream I eat a cup of Greek yogurt or when I'm really craving candy, I eat a protein bar. I also really visualize my goals. So when I'm wanting to "cheat" or not to do my workout I think about my goal and think about how that choice would take me further from my goal, not closer. 9 times out of 10 I make the better choice.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    When I am wanting to snack on junk food I will usually drink water and distract myself. I'll go do laundry or start cleaning, anything to keep my hands busy, its hard to snack then.

    I also like my sweets after supper, so I buy skinny cow desserts or weight watchers, then I have taken care of my sweet tooth.

    Good luck!
  • JDArrant
    JDArrant Posts: 11 Member
    For me the trick is to find a healthier alternative. So when I'm really craving ice cream I eat a cup of Greek yogurt or when I'm really craving candy, I eat a protein bar. I also really visualize my goals. So when I'm wanting to "cheat" or not to do my workout I think about my goal and think about how that choice would take me further from my goal, not closer. 9 times out of 10 I make the better choice.

    I find that understanding *why* I want something helps - sometimes I want chips because I want something crunchy so I eat carrots or lettuce (dry). Sometimes fruit is a good substitute for desserts. There are times my husband looks at me funny because I stare at the cabinet saying crunchy, sweet and nutty or sour, chewy because I'm looking for some sort of flavor combination that will meet that need.

    Then there are those times when I've tried to make a healthy decision and it didn't cut the craving so I sacrifice a few calories for the real thing in a realistic portion - sometimes I want a chocolate chip cookie (warm and gooey from the oven) and no granola or protein bar could suffice! I learned that that was necessary for me because if I fought the craving too much I'd obsess and binge (the whole batch of cookies instead of one or two!).

    I also don't keep cookies in the house knowing that when I do crave one I often lack self-control with the rest of the batch. If I need a cookie that badly then it has to be worth going and buying one at the bakery (which is probably like eating three at home!).

    Drinking lots of water helps a lot. But like others have said motivation comes from within - you have to want it for you. Our stories, opportunities and successes might encourage you on a bad day but being healthy is a lifestyle and each little decision can have a big impact. Start with little choices, make improvements that you can easily achieve and then tackle the next one and gradually you'll find that you don't *NEED* that junk so much. Good luck!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Find a hobby, look for exercise that you can stick with and not get bored with...motivation truly comes from within because all the encourage ment in the world from friends and family only goes so far. You have to want to do it in order for it to happen for you. Good luck! And keep at can do just have to believe you can.
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    I've said it before, but it really is true...

    You have to want it. Seriously. You have to want it more than junk food. More than sleep. More than sitting on the couch. You have to want it.

    SO TRUE! I've told myself several times I'm going to do this, but now for the first time "I want this!" No excuses, no looking back it's happening!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I've said it before, but it really is true...

    You have to want it. Seriously. You have to want it more than junk food. More than sleep. More than sitting on the couch. You have to want it.

    Amen to that!!
  • bahamamama2
    Thank you Alicia!
  • midnightbirch
    midnightbirch Posts: 19 Member
    You are so right my Mother was highly addicted to Diet cola and sugar etc. It cost her,her kidneys and then her life. I just had a Kidney stone (not from cola I don't drink it, for nine years now!) My problem came from uncontrolled stressors and wrong thinking patterns about how I was percieved by others. Now I am in control and have lost 40 lbs. I need to lose 88 more!
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    For me gaining weight is always a symptom of being unhappy about something. Identify what's causing you stress, eliminate it (if possible) and it should get easier. Works for me anyway. Good luck!