Looking for Female Accountability Partners

Hi all. I am looking for an accountability partner. I am a SAHM. I mostly follow Trim Healthy Mama and am using MFP to make sure I am getting a wide variety of foods and keep my meals in check with ingredients.

If you would like an accountability person for logging and motivation, you can add me. :)


  • spanya
    spanya Posts: 3 Member
    I am here for the same thing, need accountability otherwise I would live off bread, eggs and cheese haha! I'll give you an add
  • egaeta26
    egaeta26 Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely need accountability. I’m trying to workout at least 5x a week. I’d love some support on that.
  • tyranapookysaurus
    tyranapookysaurus Posts: 24 Member
    Another month and I'm going to be right there as well. Definitely need someone to hold me accountable and remind me to get up and move.