Need to lose weight with no idea how

I sooo i have no idea what im doing, i can barely do 3 terible pushups, low energy, always outta breathe and low self esteem any ideas or help would be appreciated lol


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Eat less. Calorie deficit. Log your food, exercise is great but in order to lose weight you need to count your calories.

  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    I started with walking around for 5 minutes every hour on the hour. I still can not even do one pushup. I'm losing weight. slowly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Put your stats and weight loss rate of loss goal into MFP...MFP will give you a calorie target to hit to lose weight without exercise.

    Exercise wise, maybe just focus on moving a bit more throughout the day and going for a short walk most days. You don't have to do all kinds of crazy exercise to lose weight...or any exercise at all for that matter...but regular movement is very good for your health.
  • training4half87
    training4half87 Posts: 16 Member
    Focus on small changes! It can be so overwhelming. I am just starting again and adding my calories and focusing on drinking water. Good luck!!
  • hwtorrance
    hwtorrance Posts: 1 Member
    It can be a bit overwhelming if you try to do it all at once. There are a lot of great ideas, and a lot of things that work, but just try one or two lifestyle changes at a time. Like, this week, try making sure you're drinking enough water. That can help because if we're dehydrated, we get too many calories through drinks, or we eat too much because we think we're hungry when we're actually thirsty. Being thirsty also makes you more tired and less alert. Track on the website/app every time you drink a water. Pat yourself on the back when you hit your eighth glass for the day.

    Then next week, drink your water and add one more thing, like walking for the first five minutes of every hour, or eating five veggies a day, or something. And so on. A lot of little changes in your habits will add up to big change over time.

    When you start tracking food - which, for me, is the key to losing weight - you have to be very precise with measuring it. It's a pain in the rear end at first and can seem overwhelming, but eventually you get used to it and you can add saved recipes, meals and ingredients with the quick add and it takes very little time.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Baby steps and track your progress. Everyone starts somewhere.
  • wordvalkyrie97
    wordvalkyrie97 Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello! I'm new to MyFitnessPal too, but I've tried to lose weight before (with varying degrees of success). The best advice I can give you is this:
    Exercise. You say you can only barely do three push ups; that's fantastic! Do those three push ups. Then when you're done, try for just one more. I could only do four push ups max just about six weeks ago, and now I can do twelve, all because I did my four push ups, then cranked out just one more. Pretty soon, I could do that fifth one and I pushed for the sixth, and so on. All it takes is a willingness to be uncomfortable for just long enough to do one more rep.
    Eat wisely. This one is tricky, because foods that work for some people won't work for others. The best thing you can do is get yourself into a "calorie deficit," which means you are burning more calories during the day than you ingest. That will encourage your body to start using your previously stored calories (in the form of fat) for fuel, instead of immediately burning the food you're eating and not using any of the calories in "storage." This app will help you with that. As for the types of food, it's actually cheaper to eat healthily than it is to eat junk, so the next time you're craving junk, see if you can either resist it entirely (that's hard to do) or substitute the food you're craving with something healthier. A fresh red apple can taste just like candy.
    Keep going. This is the most important thing to keep in mind: no matter if you fall off the wagon for a whole week, just jump back in where you are. There is no such thing as failure, unless you decide to give up. As long as you're willing to earn your body, you will get it. It will be difficult at most times and it might even be easy at other times, but it will be entirely worth it.

    Hope this helps. :)

    - wordvalkyrie97
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    kanebore1 wrote: »
    I sooo i have no idea what im doing, i can barely do 3 terible pushups, low energy, always outta breathe and low self esteem any ideas or help would be appreciated lol

    @kanebore1 while you are stronger than I was back in 2014 but I have been fighting my way forward since back in 2014. Now at the age of 67 my health is better than 30 years ago. Dealing with joint and muscle pain made keeping moving more of a struggle year by year.

    On a hunch I cold turkey stopped foods with added sugar and any form of any grains. Of course the first few weeks was hellish but I had a doctor's appointment in 30 days to start giving myself Enbrel injections so I was highly motivated to see if cutting out the above which were just mainly highly processed food.

    30 days later my pain level had started to decrease rapidly and now 3.5 years later with this WOE my pain is still well managed as well as most all of my health markers.

    Everyone knows to eat less than you burn daily to lose weight. I had lost a lot of weight many times over the prior 40 years only to have 100%+ regains.

    In my case losing the high level of pain was really my only goal. Not eating processed foods any longer lead me to stop binging so I lost about 50 pounds. I have been under 200 pounds for going on three years eating all the calories that I want but they are down into the 2000-2500 daily range.

    Finding out the cause of my binging (highly processed foods high in carbs/fats) my weight management became automatic.

    Now I know to tell another to just follow CICO and eat less shows a void in medical understanding so I just say try to find a way of eating that works for you that automatically brings ordered eating as a way of life.

    Look at the different Ways Of Eating out there and try a few for 90 days each. Sadly I was 63 and rushing towards a premature death not understanding why I was over eating. Now that I know why I was over eating and that is fixing many areas of my life.

    Best of success. Remember in the end it is only n=1 results (what that works for you, not me or others) that matter to you.