Losing weight after 50 and a hystorectomy

I am really struggling with weight loss and belly fat since my hysterectomy 5 years ago. 1200 calories for a 5'9 inch gal that weighs 193 is tough. I get so confused about which dietary guides are for me, carbs, keto, atkins,south beach, etc... just baffled and need some good sense direction.


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    A calorie deficit is what works, at the end of it. Things like keto are just a way to accomplish that. Eat what you like that meets the number MFP gives you, weighing everything accurately, and be consistent.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Your age and hysterectomy are minor players in weight loss.

    A calorie deficit works for everyone.

    Concentrate on a reasonable calorie deficit. I would say, by the stats you have given, that would be 1 lbs a week.
    MFP gives s reasonable macro split, treat the protein as a minimum, and work on getting good nutrition eating the food you like with little tweets as needed.

    Get a food scale and weigh, literally, everything (use liquid measuring cups for liquids)
    Spend time learning which are the correct entries in MFP and how to use the usda database to double check (search for the thread on this).

    From there you can go with the calories MFP gives you and monitor if you are losing the 1lbs. Give it a month, minimum, before adjusting cals.

    If you are exercising, eat those calories back, you need the fuel. Some find the MFP or digital tracker are not accurate, so again track and adjust as you go. You may want to start with eating back 50 or 75%.

    Because you have had a hysterectomy, your hormone levels may have changed causing fat to accumulate in the abdomen. This quite often happens at menopause. A calorie deficit (and some cardio) helps with this too.

    Up your calorie intake to a sustainable level. Weight loss won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

    Cheers, h.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,777 Member
    edited February 2018
    Here's one possible approach you can use with MFP logging, without needing to learn a bunch of arbitrary new eating rules right off:


    It's what I did at age 59-60 to lose 50+ pounds (180s to 130s at 5'5") in less than a year, and stay at a healthy weight for 2+ years since. I haven't had the hysterectomy, but am of course menopausal (since chemotherapy at age 45) and hypothyroid.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Oh golly gee @AnnPT77, I keep that link permanently available, but forgot all about it.
    Put it down to the cider. B)

    @Lorriehashope, read the thread. It is lovely and simple with all you need.

    Cheers, h.
  • angml30
    angml30 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 45 and had a hysterectomy in 2006- also a cancer survivor. Everything changed for me, I have gained weight more so than ever. I am not following any of the diets that are out there. My doctor said just eat low calorie foods or a low calorie diet and exercise. I also had knee surgery which I gained more weight after. I am eating meats- chicken or turkey only, veggies, and fruits. Tofu as well - it has lots of protein in place of meat.Lots of water with lemon.Almonds,hummus, Quaker apple cinnamon rice cakes. Hardboiled eggs. I also still have my morning coffee! If you google low calorie foods you will find a list. Mayo Clinic used to have a list. I stick to low calorie foods and record my food in the app here. I started a week ago. I have lost 8pounds in my first week. It is calories in vs calories out. I do not weigh my food but as a rule my meat cannot big larger than the palm of my hand. I will add exercise next week.
  • kweenee
    kweenee Posts: 5 Member
    That sounds like a great plan.I'm sure you'll reach your goals. <3
  • Wendyanneroberts
    Wendyanneroberts Posts: 270 Member
    I am really struggling with weight loss and belly fat since my hysterectomy 5 years ago. 1200 calories for a 5'9 inch gal that weighs 193 is tough. I get so confused about which dietary guides are for me, carbs, keto, atkins,south beach, etc... just baffled and need some good sense direction.

    Calorie deficit and consistency are important, followed by a way of eating that suits you, so that you are able to stay the course. Accuracy and logging, were key to knowing exactly how much I was eating. Not just on good days, but every bit every day.

    I am also 50, had a hysterectomy about 10 years ago. I'm also disabled, have had several surgeries and have other health concerns. I'm unable to work out (in the general sense). But a healthy diet become much more important. I average 1,550 calories per day (over the course of 12 months). I am 5' 5" and have lost 44lb in total. Now at the upper end of healthy weight, just waiting to see if I'm able to lose a few more pounds.
    Still tracking daily, add me as a friend, if you think mutual support and encouragement might help.