2nd time momma,breastfeeding, plateau

Hey I’m gabby! A second time mom (my sons are 2 1/2 and 2 months old) I’ve been eating clean and working out religiously for the last 3 weeks. I haven’t lost a pound yet. I feel great and have lost or energy but feel like my body still looks the same as the before picture I took. Possibly because I’m still breastfeeding? Not sure if any other new moms/breastfeeding moms have had the same issue, let me know how you work with it and overcome the problem of eating right, working out, but still no visible changes. Thanks!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2018
    If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less (and move more, but for all practical purposes, eat less). You can eat less of anything. MFP gave you a calorie target to hit. If you focus on that, weighing everything you eat (and drink that has calories), and hit that target, you lose weight. You may have to focus less on eating clean and right and religious exercise. I would actually recommend you do that, either way. Keep in mind that weightloss is a slow process, and that three weeks is a drop in the ocean. And keep in mind that you have a small child who needs his mommy to be healthy and strong and happy. You need to accomodate the extra calories for breastfeeding too.
  • Ash3r_B
    Ash3r_B Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I’m a new-ish Mom, our daughter is 17months, lol. And...I’m still breastfeeding! I’ve been a member of MFP for years and I am now trying to record everyday and just started back at the gym. Lots of postpartum to lose, lol. But I hope you do well with your journey and just keep at it! I’m Ashley, by the way!
  • littlebrittlifts
    littlebrittlifts Posts: 225 Member
    I breastfed both of my babies until they were 2. I DONT recommend cutting your calories too much as it could effect your supply. Did you take measurements? It’s possible you’re gaining muscle while losing body fat... and if your calories are TOO low it might be coming off slower because it’s trying to hold onto everything it can to keep producing milk at the same time. What’s your calories at? How much are you exercising? What’s your water intake? Maybe try cutting carbs and keeping protein and (good) fats up.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    "Eating clean" doesn't mean eating at a calorie deficit. If you are eating better, but still eating the same amount of calories, you won't lose.
  • vallary14
    vallary14 Posts: 215 Member
    Hey Gabby, Congrats on your baby and kudos for eating clean and working out while breastfeeding. It is hard work! I gave up after my third, maybe I went overboard at first and my supply was affected and I suspect too much lactic acid idk. But anyways, my advice is be patient with your body and don’t try and restrict your diet since your lo is strictly bf. And yes your body will try and hold some extra reserves and eventually the weight will come off.
    Best wishes, Val
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    I feel ya! Breastfeeding baby #4 and I know the weight always comes off me eventually, but it doesn’t shed off easily like some other moms claim. I tend to lose weight as my baby gains up to a year, lol. Then when they are on solids I cut back my food intake more, no longer fearing milk supply drop. I just don’t want to risk losing supply. But that comes from a mum who would not use formula if it can be avoided. I’ve tried IF recently and been losing a little more than usual but still staying within the calorie intake. I eat from 11-7 and it helps me from over snacking (if I do go over my calorie intake it’s always midnight snacks do it) All morning I drink water and night I drink tea. Hope it does the trick to maybe hasten the process. Plus I think it will help me create new behaviors and stop night eating. Then I won’t necessarily follow the window anymore.
  • peachezncreme
    peachezncreme Posts: 60 Member
    I just had my fourth baby last week and I am looking at getting some mom friends for encouragement and support. I also breast-feed, and breast-fed my other three babies as well. Please friend me if you would like.
  • aprilkael105
    aprilkael105 Posts: 2 Member
    I think you just typed my current life story! I'm breastfeeding but I haven't lost a pound since the initial weight drop of when I had my son. I have 20 pounds to go. I'm really nervous of milk supply drop because I have an undersupply issue. I record every pump/feed I do, exercise 5-6 days a week and try to stay under the calculated calorie intake