19, 6 ft tall and am trying to get from 290 to 180

I've missed this positive and helpful community, I love adding friends and any motivational or helpful advice!


  • 5x5SL
    5x5SL Posts: 130 Member
    A decent goal to set. How are you planning to lose the weight? Just through dieting or a fitness regime as well?
  • Cennoa4664
    Cennoa4664 Posts: 6 Member
    Dieting and working out together! I try to go to the gym on weekdays and go hiking or walking with my dog on pretty trails when it's nice out on weekends !

    I went from 255 to 210 using myfitnesspal over a year ago but gained back 80 pounds due to some circumstances and now I'm struggling to get the motivation to start and stick with it- I decided to get his app again since it helped me so much the first time!
  • 5x5SL
    5x5SL Posts: 130 Member
    Well I'm a qualified PT so if I can help in any way feel free to add me. Hope the circumstances that caused that have sorted themselves out now.
  • LollipopsandSunshine
    LollipopsandSunshine Posts: 13 Member
    @Cennoa4664 Hey there, I have an open food diary and try to be positive and encouraging! Would be cool to connect!
  • ShaeSweetness
    ShaeSweetness Posts: 61 Member
    Im 6 feet also with a goal of 185! Started 208, and went to 196 in a month. Stopped and got back to my bad habits and now im 203 again! Grrrr addd me! Im trying to get back on track Monday i hope!
  • nancepantsftw
    nancepantsftw Posts: 2 Member
    I’m still figuring out how to add buddies - but would love my fellow 6ft beauties to be my buddies in motivation! I also hit a plateau and am trying to regain momentum to get to 180. Currently around 192.
  • sra455
    sra455 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'10" but am looking to get down to 150 maybe. Got a long long way to go, but have already made progress. add me if you like.
  • cowgirlinla22
    cowgirlinla22 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 6' mom of 2 beautiful little girls and I'm trying to go from 205 down to 160!! Just about finished nursing my 1 1/2 year old, so I'm ready to tone up this postpartum and overweight body of mine. It's great to hear from other tall ladies and learn their fitness goals! I hope we can help keep each other motivated and focused on our goals
  • margaret2908
    margaret2908 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 28, 6' tall. Currently at 241 want to get down to 180.
  • keviancloud
    keviancloud Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guy's me too im 200lbs looking to get to 190lbs, im also training 4 times a week at the gym, experimenting with ideas that i found of the net and from reading books.
    Would love to have some buddies to share info with, i dont know about you guy's but i want to loose the weight but retain the muscle.
  • shelleybrook
    shelleybrook Posts: 1 Member
    I am also 6ft and trying to get from 240 to 180. We can do it!