I'm back on the program

I'm a mother of two; 7 yrs and 20 mos---I'm pushing 40...this is my second time back on myfitness pal. I was on in February, but after 8 weeks did not continue. It's been difficult trying to lose this "baby weight" that I've kept on since my younger child was born.
Don't have the money to "belong" to weight watchers which I did 4 years ago and lost almost 30 lbs....I'm hoping by keeping this diary again, I can control my eating habits. I think most of the time I eat now because I'm bored. (I work from home, no face to face contact with anyone)
I'm hoping to stick with it until Christmas and trying to coax my husband back on this journey which we both need to take.
thanks for listening...


  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Welcome back, I know most of us have those same struggles. The fact that you are back here is a big step, never stop fighting you deserve what you want!
  • kristieb1
    kristieb1 Posts: 3 Member
    I know what you mean. I gained 80 with my first and have not been able to get rid of it.
  • missionwtls
    welcome back!! I too just re-engaged with MFP to keep things in check. I found that my re-dedication to being accountable has gone well so far!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    I lost track for about two weeks now. First moving from house to house then a typhoon and was stuck inside with no lights for 2 days. So now I am pushing myself to get back to where I started again. I had my youngest almost 6 years ago and it has been a struggle for me to keep this weight off. Like Kev said never stop fighting and that is something that I will never stop doing. Welcome back!!