6+ Day Level 2 Shredders... 1/2 way done- how do you feel?

Just wondering how everyone is feeling? Seeing any changes in your inches or on the scale?:flowerforyou:


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    bumpity bump bump xxx
  • HannahPendrigh
    HannahPendrigh Posts: 147 Member
    Today will be day 9 of level 2 for me :) feeling great!! ive lost over 5lbs (weigh in tomorrow - i know ive lost) and before, my jeans were getting too tight nearly had to move up a size but now they're falling off! i have been doing other workout with it, but it's great!!
  • ashhudson1982
    I am on day 6 of Level 2, and have lost no weight. I am feeling very discouraged. I did not take measurements before, but I did take photos. I plan to take another set of photos tonight and see if I can notice a difference. Do those of you who are losing have any advice for me? I leave for Mexico in 25 days, and have to be bathing suit ready!
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    I'm on day 7 of Level 2 ... I feel better but Level 2 with all the arm work kicks my butt. I can definitely see some changes in my arms though which is most cool. I'm doing the levels for 2 weeks each before switching though so I'll be moving on to Level 3 next week
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there,
    I havent done todays yet but I gotta say that my arms, chest and back are definitely showing signs of improvement!!!!! and this is with virtually none of the cardio or indeed the lunges. My outer hips upper outer thighs I think are showing signs too of firming up!!!! I am dead chuffed. I dont think my belly is improving but it cant be getting any worse, my weight isnt going down and I havent checked my measurements yet, maybe i'll do them in the morning given as it is halfway but overall i am really pleased and I will be continuing at the end, maybe day 1 followed by 2 by 3 etc.... dunno yet but i do think it is very valuable i am dead dead pleased!!!! look forward to hearing about the rest of you too!
  • sallycinnamon1
    Hiya, i haven't done today yet either, but i'm not sure if i'm changing or not. I took pictures at the start so i guess we will soon see. My tummy feels more wobbly in a way, I have very poor muscle tone there anyway after 2 c-sections, and now it seems almost worse - i hate doing the high knees running because i feel like i need a bra for my tummy!! So i don't know, but i do notice a difference in my fitness levels and ability to do things which is great if nothing else.
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    i hate doing the high knees running because i feel like i need a bra for my tummy!!

    LOL I need a bra for EVERYTHING during the high knees!!! It's horrible! Particularly my lower back fat (love handles) jiggle uncontrollably xx
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Day 6 Level 2 DONE!! I was lousy tonight, had no energy. I haven't really seen any changes that much but I will weigh and measure myself at the end of the shred. Even if there is no difference I won't be disappointed as I have got so much out of this - I have less headaches and I feel much better and much stronger mentally - it's done wonders! And I love connecting with all of you each day - thank you all for your support xxx :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all are having a good day xxx
  • lrbarr
    lrbarr Posts: 60
    Completed day 6 level 2... not too bad today! Boy did I need to start lifting some weight... I can see some changes in my arms and my sides! :love: