Reasons our significant others ROCK!

asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
I've been an emotional hag the last week or so. I've been sick, and been dealing with major family stuff on both sides of our family. I've been less than pleasant and thought I'd start a thread where we can say something nice about our SO...

My husband ROCKS because he is sooo supportive and understanding when we go to restaurants and I track and find the nutrition information for things on the menu, even if it takes another 10-15 minutes. Also, I go on and on and on and on about fitness and nutrition and he still listens and engages in conversation. :)


  • courtskey83
    Mine will watch all THREE of our kids, including our 9 month old, in another room so I can do my workout DVDs without tripping over children! lol
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    We have the same husband LOL... my hubby is so understanding. I just wish he would join me in eating healthy. I feel bad sometimes I go on and on about how I eat and exercise but he keeps listening anyway. Wonderful men!!
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    My Husband ROCKS..because everyday he asks me how I did! which reminds me that I should have done something.
  • margypan
    margypan Posts: 28 Member
    My husband ROCKS because he always makes sure I get my sexercise in! ;)
  • JediMaster_intraining
    My boyfriend ROCKS because he no longer asks me to go to fast food places for dinner with him. And if he does decide to pick me up some food, he stops by somewhere with healthy choices to get me a garden salad or a turkey/veggie burger! :)
  • mikesnwgirl
    Mine Rocks because he cooks healthy meals for me and never acts annoyed when I talk about food and exercise. He always lets me choose where to eat out at so that is fits into my eating plan! I have the best man in the world and I love him to peices <3
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    My husband rocks because he helps me think of new ideas for healthy recipes, pushes me when I don't want to exercise, and doesn't b**ch when I push him when he doesn't want to exercise.... He's totally on the journey with me.

    p.s. He also sucks because he gets a higher calorie allowance and makes strength gains faster than I do. :bigsmile:
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    My boyfriend rocks because every day he tells me I'm beautiful and that I'm a rockstar... And even eats the healthy meals I cook up with no complaints, so far, haha!
  • lolathompson
    lolathompson Posts: 70 Member
    My husband ROCKS because he always makes sure I get my sexercise in! ;)

    Honey you and I got the same husband!!!
  • lolathompson
    lolathompson Posts: 70 Member
    My husband ROCKS because he always makes sure I get my sexercise in! ;)

    Honey you and I got the same husband!!!
  • FWBP
    FWBP Posts: 24 Member
    My boyfriend is the only person who doesn't make fun of me for counting calories and looking up nutrition information. He always let's me find healthy alternatives and even is starting to love my healthy side dishes when we BBQ!
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    My husband rocks because he supports me in eating healthy and he doesn't complain about me being a gym rat. He' s bbq'ing hamburgers for himself right now, and for me...turkey burgers grilled onions (with no bun) and steamed broc. And did I mention he's totally hot! Boom-chicka-bow-bow!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    my husband helps so much with our 19 month old. he works 50+ hours a week to support us and so i can stay home and take care of her and he dosn't get to see her as much as he wants so when we go to get-togethers on the weekend (which has been every weekend this summer!), he lets me relax (most of the time :smile: ) and have some drinks and talk to people who don't speek jiberish, while he keeps an eye on her and plays with her. and he never complains if i want to go out with my sister or some friends for a few drinks (which also has been like once a week this summer!!!) i have been trying to get him to go do something with his buddys so i don't feel so guilty!!! he's the best!!!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    My husband rocks because he joined me on this journey. He helps motivate me and pushes me beyond limits I've set for myself. He's also a house husband, so I have no domestic issues...ever!!
  • FWBP
    FWBP Posts: 24 Member
    My husband ROCKS because he always makes sure I get my sexercise in! ;)

    Lol sexcercise!! I add the "sexercise" to my "yoga" cardio ;) He thinks it's hilarious! Now every time I mention doing yoga in public he giggles...even when I'm talking about real yoga!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    YAY! thats so great!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Mine gets on his hands and knees to clean our hardwoods. He is an awesome daddy, a wonderful husband and my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better man!! I adore, cherish, love him.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    My husband ROCKS because he is on this journey with me and is a fantastic partner. Also, he is always complimenting me, and encouraging me. He is working out with me and planning menus with me. He also puts together our breakfast every morning so I can work out and get ready for work, and he also packs my lunch for me. He is all around wonderful and heart and soul. And to steal a great post from above, he makes sure i get my sexercise,
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Wow! thats dedicated :)
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    My husband is very supportive. If he sees something at the store he thinks will help me he buys it for me. He listens to me rant and rave about my eating/exercising. He's there to try and help when im feeling down or gained a little bit that week. He sits there and answers my 57885 questions about what he thinks I should eat. He'll be patient when I plan out my meals for the nezt day. And lately he's been walking with me. I got him to walk 1.2 miles with me yesterday.