Overeater in Recovery: Seeking Friends!

Hi everyone! I'm trying to overcome a binge-eating, over-eating disorder. I had gastric bypass in 2006, dropped 101 pounds, and have gained back almost everything but 28 pounds. I binge eat and crave foods constantly. I don't know what to eat or how many calories, so I'm sort of a newb.
I'd love to have some friends in my recovery and get some extra support!
Tara :)


  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    pinkie369 wrote: »
    I don't know what to eat or how many calories...

    Try logging every bite here, just for the rest of today, starting now. Don't worry about changing what you are doing, just log. Since you say you are not sure how many calories are in foods, that might be a good start. Information is good!

    Then tomorrow -- log again. :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Take a deep breath!

    Just put in your stats and MFP will tell you how many calories.

    As for what to eat, it may take some experimentation. Some people can just eat a little of whatever and meet their calorie goals. Others have "trigger foods" that almost always lead to overeating. The important thing is to find what works FOR YOU! This means experimenting with what keeps you feeling full. For some people, this means cutting back on carbs like fruits and grains; for other people, whole grains are what help them feel full. As you experiment, keep the focus on what you can eat and enjoy eating. I find that if I make an effort to eat 4-5 servings of vegetables a day, other things fall into place easier. I also spend my money on lamb and ahi tuna, instead of my old fast food habit.
  • soukyfitness
    soukyfitness Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I added you! I am a binge eater myself, recovering now! It becomes a habit, and habits are hard to break. When I start to crave food I distract myself by doing something else like taking a walk and grabbing a healthy snack after, or by journaling or drawing or doing something hands on. Chewing gum can help too!
  • pinkie369
    pinkie369 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! I'm 33 and I've done this diet crap before. I'm ready to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle. My husband was just hospitalized with the flu, pneumonia and staph infection, and I'm so ready to get healthier. I just need to find the right balance and people to help support me. Thank you! :smile: