pffssas Posts: 128 Member
would someone please tell me why now that i'm exercising 6 meals is not enough? i used to eat 2 at the most...suddenly i'm hungry ALL THE TIME!!! its so irritating. an hour after eating i'm starving again. i've never ate this much in my life, how can this possibly be helping? i gained 1lb my 1st week here...lost 7lbs the last 2 weeks. its working but how do i stop being hungry all the time?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Just had a quick look at your diary, consume a lot more protein and fiber and your stomach will be much happier.
  • routerguy666
    Eat more protein.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    And less sugar.
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    I get that way too. Especially after 8 when i told myself not to eat anymore. Make sre you drink enough water and after a while your body should get used to the times and way you changed your eating habits.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    to clarify, MFP protein settings are much too low. you shoudl be getting at least 30% of your calories from lean protein sources. also, have a protein with each meal. cut out as much sugar as you can. instead of carrots, find a veggie to munch on that's lower in sugar. those two things will really help your hunger pains. i eat 5 times a day, protein with each meal, as sugar free as i can and i'm never hungry, other than when it's time to eat and my body lets me know.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Yes, on the more protein and less sugar. But if you are truly burning that many calories from exercise you are not eating enough.

    1200 min per day for women, some days were only a couple of hundred. Not only are you starving but you are starving your body too!
  • Soulbird81
    Congratulations!!! Your metabolism is burning! When you work out you will feel hungry more often...basically your body is letting you know that it is working and it is ready for your next meal.

    When you're burning calories through exercise you WILL eat more, that is the only way that you will lose...that is why you're givin a goal caloric intake and then as you work out you get additional calories to eat. Once you've eaten your minimum calories allowed you want to eat as much as your additional "earned" calories as possible. It seems counter productive but it definitely is not.

    I'm allowed 1200 calories daily...well with my activity on my workout days I also burn 1000-1200 calories, obviously I will feel hungry if I eat and then burn them right back off so I have to consume enough food to replace what I've burned to give my body nutrients and energy. The point is consuming clean whole foods, not sugary processed junk food.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    you are jump starting your metabolism now that you are exercising. I used to be that way all the time. Just make sure that your snacks are full of protein, they burn slower than carbs do and keep you full longer. Drink plenty of water...sometimes when you are thirsty your body tells you that you are hungry. And stuff your meals with filler foods, like vegetables...make yourself full with the good stuff!
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    It looks like you haven't been eating back your exercise calories. If you are working out, your body needs the extra fuel. Don't be afraid of food, just make good food choices and stay away from simple carbs.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    I have to agree More protein. Up your protein by another 20 - 30 grams. How? Egg whites, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, wholes grains, seafood, chicken / turkey, tuna/salmon, peanut butter (more). I'm not into it but Tofu and veggie burgers are good too. Feel free to look at my food diary. It takes a while, but you're body will adjust. Great job!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Congratulations!!! Your metabolism is burning! When you work out you will feel hungry more often...basically your body is letting you know that it is working and it is ready for your next meal.

    When you're burning calories through exercise you WILL eat more, that is the only way that you will lose...that is why you're givin a goal caloric intake and then as you work out you get additional calories to eat. Once you've eaten your minimum calories allowed you want to eat as much as your additional "earned" calories as possible. It seems counter productive but it definitely is not.

    I'm allowed 1200 calories daily...well with my activity on my workout days I also burn 1000-1200 calories, obviously I will feel hungry if I eat and then burn them right back off so I have to consume enough food to replace what I've burned to give my body nutrients and energy. The point is consuming clean whole foods, not sugary processed junk food.

    Well said Soulbird!
  • missa1982
    Agree with all those about increasing your protein intake. Such foods might include eggs, yoghurt, fish and lean meats and nuts are great for a snack. Since I increased my intake, I've found that I really don't get that hungry at all. Good Luck!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    so by avoiding all of my exercise calories i'm practically fighting my body, instead of helping it! definitely hitting the store tomorrow for more veggies and protein foods! thanx everyone!!!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Yes, replace your carbs with protein. Carbs raise your insulin, then when it's done it's job, it crashes. When it crashes, your body tells you it needs to eat more to get its insulin levels back up. (Big reason why people get tired at around 2 oclock and need a mid-afternoon snack).
  • sandeev
    sandeev Posts: 44
    I've lost 29 lbs since joining this site and a total of 62 lbs altogether since getting serious. i'm never hungry, here's what I do: Protein at the 3 main meals, 2 fruits before 2pm, 3 probiotics a day (like yogurt, acidopholis milk or cottage cheese, plain keefer sweetened with unsweetened jam, or other types of probiotic foods), a lot of lettuce salads jazzed up as a shell less taco salad with ground turkey or a BLT salad with turkey bacon, a lot of low carb veggies, Not many carbs. I do this on and off for 17 days( skipping it when a special occassion comes up,but then get right back on it the next day), then I add 2 "good" carbs, that I have before 2pm and if I plateau I go back to the 17 day one. I have never had so much energy. I have been a yoyo dieter for all my life and have finally found a healthy way of eating that really works for me. I can not remember the last time my weight was this low. I have 22 lbs to go and I don't think it will take me long to get there. Just a suggestion, hope it helps
  • EileenKM
    EileenKM Posts: 13
    Not to blow up your message board, but I took a look @ your food diary. I would sooooo be starving too!!!

    I do like how you have 6 smaller meals split throughout your day! This should help w/ the cravings.

    I have to echo the replies of many other replies about incorporating more whole grains. I firmly believe in eating the right carbs, not necessarily getting dropping them.

    If you haven't heard it before, what's likely going on (esp. w/ those pizza rolls) is that you're overwhelming your body with too many calories AT ONCE from enriched carbs and fat. Your body's only defense to process these sugar spikes quickly is to bring in more insulin after the snack/meal and incorporate it into fat, delaying the weight loss process.
    W/ whole grain, fiber rich foods, these foods take longer to break down & the calories are GRADUALLY released into the bloodstream, so your body is continuously occupied w/ calories for a longer period of time. You'll feel satiated longer & won't get those bouts of starvation.

    So, for instance w/ that can of tuna for lunch, maybe add it onto a bed of salad, and play it up w/ some tomatoes & kidney and/or garbanzo beans (keep the dressing minimal)? Or maybe have an open-faced sandwich w/ a slice of sprouted wheat bread & cheese w/ the tuna (mustard, hummus make great spreads)? And sub in more vegetables (love broccoli, asparagus) for the baked potato? I find myself satiated for much longer.

    For snacks, some of my favorites are cottage cheese and greek yogurt w/ honey (I have to watch the honey amounts though, I so love sweets)!! I love the lower carb/calorie content + they're high protein. Also, grapefruit, oranges, cherries, blueberries and your seedless grapes have good amounts of fiber & taste divine!!

    And it looks like you're already taking in a good amount of water, very important to have volume w/ your meals, otherwise too much fiber w/out fluids will leave you constipated.

    5 grams of fiber/serving is a good amount. Hope this helps!
  • chunkyangel
    Protein?! That's such a guy answer. It has never made me feel full, and according to my protein I can't eat that much to fill up all day. Everytime I get hungry but don't want to eat I chug some water. I hate water, but I use the single packets of crystal lights(5 calories!) it really does fill you up. And helps your skin,water weight....ect.
  • MysizeBarbie24
    MysizeBarbie24 Posts: 17 Member

  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Protein?! That's such a guy answer. It has never made me feel full, and according to my protein I can't eat that much to fill up all day. Everytime I get hungry but don't want to eat I chug some water. I hate water, but I use the single packets of crystal lights(5 calories!) it really does fill you up. And helps your skin,water weight....ect.

    Unless your brain receptors are out of whack, protein and fat (to a lesser degree) are shown to reduce hunger, by triggering your leptin and suppressing your ghrelin (the hormones in your brain that tell you when you're hungry or full).

    It's not a guy answer. That's how it works. Have you ever tried a high-fat, high protein diet? I'm 6'2,and unless I eat lots of nuts (I have a hard time surpassing 2000 calories) - I'm guessing nuts are so dense that it takes too long for my body to register what I've eaten and I can easily go over if I've eaten many of them.

    I've gone from eating a low-fat, conventional diet (Eat Clean Diet). And I had to eat all the time because I was always hungry. People said it was good and that it was my metabolism burning. That wasn't it.

    It was not fun because I always had to carry something around to eat (carrots or whatever to keep my cals low) because I was always hungry. I kept it at about 2000 calories a day as well(which is more than I generally eat now). And I absolutely had to count my calories, because if I wasn't watching, I'd easily eat 3000 calories or more.

    Anyways, I've lost more weight eating this way, not being hungry, and I honestly do not need to watch my calories. My body tells me when I'm hungry and when I'm full. I eat 2-3 meals a day and maybe snack on a couple nuts in the afternoon if I'm bored and feel a little peckish.