Who else get weary of it all..............

Does anyone else get weary of it all and just want to eat how ever much you want? I really struggled with that this week. I just wanted to be a couch potato. I did talk myself out of it and got outside and got my walking in. I did log and kept my eating in check.

I know part of it is the weather I'm tired of the cold and dreary weather and more snow predicted for Monday. This is the first year this type of weather is bothering me.

Do others feel the same?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Hang on! Winter has to leave some day.

    I get cabin fever, too. I see people out on cross-country skis in town and always thing, "Well that's ambitious." Whatever it takes I guess.

    When I don't exercise the nervous energy builds up and it's hard for me to stay in calories when I get like that. Good job walking! That always helps me, both in mood and eating.
  • pkweier
    pkweier Posts: 349 Member
    Hang on! Winter has to leave some day.

    I get cabin fever, too. I see people out on cross-country skis in town and always thing, "Well that's ambitious." Whatever it takes I guess.

    When I don't exercise the nervous energy builds up and it's hard for me to stay in calories when I get like that. Good job walking! That always helps me, both in mood and eating.

    Yes if I don't get out and go I feel bad it helps my mood to move. Thanks for the reminder
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Sure. There are times I feel like that. There are also times I decide to eat because I WANT TO. But my weeks average out. It's usually because it's cold or I'm stressed or I've worked out more than my watch has measured. But I trust my body. If I do that one day I don't want to do it the next.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    Yeah, everyone feels this way, I always see a thread of binging ever other day for the past two weeks I've been on the forum, I wanna binge sometime too.

    You have to be comfortable with with being uncomfortable, what you expect? You're trying to lose weight, you WILL get hungry.

    It's worth it though.
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    I keep some treats around peanut and almond butter , yogurt , dark chocolate , so when I feel like I need a treat there is something that I love that will not throw me off track . It is not unusual to have days where you are tierd of staying on track

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think most of us feel that way from time to time. Part of the ongoing process is learning how to deal with the feelings when they come up.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    How long have you been in maintenance? I definately remember feeling that way during my first year, in recent years I haven't to think too much about it because I just do what I do, eat what I eat and I maintain effortlessly - at least that's how it now feels. So I think you'll definately not always feel like you do now.