


  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    I'm 61 years old. I started swimming in 2002. I spent time trying to really improve my form by using Terry Laughlin's book Total Immersion. I swam maybe 3x per week until I retired in 2009. Terry (RIP) has the most logical approach to swimming. Look on YouTube for his videos on the tiswim channel--the clips I've seen mostly deal with freestyle bc that's where the $$ is. Usually, grownups don't pay to learn breaststroke, backstroke or butterfly.
    I now swim 5-7x a week for 50-70 minutes. I don't count laps--too tedious. I mix up my swim time with drills to help me improve my form, all four strokes. I love freestyle, but butterfly is my fav. Along with YouTube, my other great source for swim tips is the local high school swim coach.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I swim in the summer at our city pool. I got aqua sphere goggles "katman" style from Amazon. I make my own anti fog out of diluted baby shampoo. The goggles work well for me, but are now discolored. I may need new ones this year. I usually alternate freestyle and breaststroke for 30 min 2-3x per week.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I've been back swimming for about 1.5 years. Started going to Masters Swim a few weeks ago. Our group is small so each person gets coaches according to their needs and goals.
  • Xxjayxxxxx
    Xxjayxxxxx Posts: 144 Member
    I like swimming .
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,549 Member
    Swimming is one of the things I do at the gym. I'm a SCUBA diver, and I'm more comfortable swimming with zoomers and a dive mask with snorkel. I was never a very efficient swimmer, so I took swimming as a class in grad school. It helped a little, but I never really developed a habit. Twenty five years later, I've started again. I did some reading from books in the library to think about technique. It feels great. I think I learned more from the book than I did from the college class. Go figure. I've started doing some of my swim workout with just goggles, and I can usually just do one lap (50 yards) of freestyle without stopping or switching to breast for a lap. My speed is improving, and even with the mask on, I can work on technique. It's a great way to stretch after a cardio and/or strength workout, and if I've just got time for a short workout, a swim is hard to beat.
  • miramaye
    miramaye Posts: 37 Member
    I love to swim. It’s just a bit too cold out right now.
  • glittersupernova
    glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
    I absolutely love swimming! I admit that I have been pretty bad logging my diet and exercise on my MyFitnessPal account; however, I am happy to say that I have continued swimming at least 4 days per week for the last one and a half months.

    I would love to connect with other swimmers on here and share swim routine ideas or tips.

    Swimming makes me so happy. I don't feel the sweat, it relieves so much tension, and the smell of chlorine is invigorating lol.

    I used to be a competitive swimmer but it has been years since that time. I now swim for overall fitness-- with a particular focus on improving my heart and lung health.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Just finished an hour, mostly drills from our Master’s coach. I feel I was able to implement some of his suggestions. I hope he agrees on Tuesday.
  • MackrzFITT
    MackrzFITT Posts: 1 Member
    I have quite a complicated and severe form of epilepsy and have found that exercise places a lot of stress on my body. As long as I make the lifeguard aware of my condition as I am entering the pool, swimming is a great way to get in that cardio workout without putting myself under too much pressure. It's low (or no) impact, completely non-weight bearing and gets the heart going; it's perfect for me.

    I tend to use breaststroke as I heard that as long as you made efforts to keep your body straight in the water you were getting a great ab' workout. Has anyone else heard this?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I think all strokes use your core.
  • daisyf717
    daisyf717 Posts: 57 Member
    I swim also, just maybe 2x a week. My kids are 4 and 5 so hard to always get there with my other lifting etc. you can add me also
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I think all strokes use your core.

  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    We are here. The swimmers group only has a couple topics, but if you have a question, we always have an answer!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    I was taking classes about 2 years ago to learn how to swim...and I only learned how to do backstroke before they cancelled my classes (instructor quit and other times didn't work for me) so now I swim every morning...not a lot, maybe 20-22 lenghts* but I try! I also go on Saturdays and swim between 30-50 lengths...

    I will eventually lose the fear and do a freestyle swim! :smile:

    *so, I was always under the impression that from one end of the pool to the other end was 1 lap...but that's only half a lap? A back and forth is 1 lap? the pool in my gym is 25yds (very new to swimming, obvious?)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    End to end is a length. 2 lengths back to where you started is a lap. Think of a lap around a track goes all the way around back to the beginning. Lots of people misuse these terms though so don’t feel bad. As long as you count your swims consistently you’re fine.
  • melliekinz
    melliekinz Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    I love to swim, is one of my favorite activities. I’m no pro, I simply do laps and what not, but I do enjoy it a lot, maybe I can learn tips from you! :smile:
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    I was taking classes about 2 years ago to learn how to swim...and I only learned how to do backstroke before they cancelled my classes (instructor quit and other times didn't work for me) so now I swim every morning...not a lot, maybe 20-22 lenghts* but I try! I also go on Saturdays and swim between 30-50 lengths...

    I will eventually lose the fear and do a freestyle swim! :smile:

    *so, I was always under the impression that from one end of the pool to the other end was 1 lap...but that's only half a lap? A back and forth is 1 lap? the pool in my gym is 25yds (very new to swimming, obvious?)

    End to end is one lap, regardless of pool length. Pool length is either olympic (50 meters per lap) or junior olympic (25 meters).
    25 yards is almost 25 m...