My cholesterol is HOW high?!?

I joined MyFitnessPal one week ago because my cholesterol is insanely high for a woman my age. So high I get medication off the bat, along with the "diet and exercise, right now, and I mean it" lecture.

I thought it would be REALLY hard to keep track of all the different diet restrictions - cholesterol, sodium, fat, etc. This app makes it so EASY - I just set the goals to what the doctor recommends. So the diet part has actually not been a problem. Really TONS easier than I expected!

But ... The exercise part I think I need help with. I work 60 hours a week at a desk job and have a family, so it's been difficult for me to make time to exercise. I'm hoping that by having friends on MFP, they'll help hold me accountable.


  • kimberlygo
    I was in a similar situation. I joined MFP because my cholesterol was high. Since I've joined my cholesterol has gone down significantly (thank goodness). I worked a desk job similar to yours and have to wake up at 530 to exercise. Good luck. Its hard, but once you get into the habit its not terrible.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    You can totally do this! Unfortunately, my lifestyle is very different from yours (recently divorced, no kids), so I won't be much help in the exercise department. You never know, though, you might find out your kids like walking with mom in the evenings, or something. It's quality family time and good for them, too.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    One easy step in the right direction would be to get one of those big balls to sit on while you're working all those hours. Works the core.
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Hi! I am only 23 and I found out in May that my cholesterol is extremely high as meds yet (and hopefully never), but working with a personal trainer and a dietician. I actually go get it checked out again this week. I have history of heart disease and high cholesterol in my family...but I am hoping that diet and exercise will prevent me from following that trend. Feel free to friend me so you can see my food diary. I do not eat over 8g of saturated fat a day and try to eat things that are good for cholesterol and can help lower it.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I take Red Yeast Rice and got my cholesterol down to normal in three months.
  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    Try walking more at work. Take the long way to get someplace in the office. Park further out. Use stairs instead of elevator if available. Get up and stretch periodically. You can do this!
  • wendibartel
    Working that desk job has been my biggest issue. Minus the fact that everyone (small office of 11) around me talk about food all day long. I am not talking food such as fried chicken, burgers ehh you get the point. I had to force myself to be resourceful at work when it comes to excersising. With the increased amount of water I am going to the bathroom often so I made it my goal that each time I get up to go I take the long way (I know one cubical doesnt seem to amount to much but its something) and the longer way back. If we are slower and I have an opportunity I try to take a few extra laps around the cubicle land circle.The owner also brings her dog along to work so I get a little extra walking when I take her out to use the grounds. Just remember anything is better then nothing. Now a month later I am walking at least 45 minutes 5 times a week. Just stay positive if you have younger kids such as I do (my little guy is two) I make him a part of my walk. He rides in his little car and loves it. If you would like to add me as a friend I could always use support myself.
  • heahea1
    heahea1 Posts: 1
    I joined a while ago, but it never really clicked for me. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and was told my cholesterol was 619, immediately received medication, and told to work at my diet and exercise. So I started my tracking and got other people on the floor where I work signed up and excited about it too. Since I started tracking, a week and a half ago, I have lost 5-6 pounds.

    I too work most of the time at a desk, and rarely get out of my office for is usually eat a bite do some work, etc. that is one of the biggest things I am working on, is getting away from my office for lunch. And making better food choices.Exercise is a cuss word to me. I work at least 40 hours a week, drive an hour each way to work, have a 3 1/2 year old, and finishing up my bachelors degree (in December- woo hoo!), there are no more hours in the day. I could use some advice on exercise myself.