Any other WW dropouts?

Hi I did great all last year on Weight Watchers, but I've lost interest and gains back most of my loss since they rolled out freestyle. I'm most likely going to cancel. Can anybody share there thoughts and experience about WW vs MFP? Thanks!


  • ib_jme
    ib_jme Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I am also not happy with changes from Weight Watchers do I'm trying this app to keep me moving forward and losing weight. In 3 months I lost 38 lbs then came Freestyle and I plateaued then gained about 5 lbs. Along with the 5 lb gain was stomach issues because of the zero point eggs, corn, and beans that WW seems to insist people eat. I cancelled my WW membership the other day. I'm hoping NFL will keep me on track.
  • bethypoobah
    bethypoobah Posts: 5 Member
    I recently quit WW because of Freestyle. In 2+ years of doing WW it was the third program they had. Initially I was down 45lbs. I struggled with Smartpoints but kept off 30lbs. Freestyle was too challenging for me.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I quit WW two years ago and have since lost all the weight just with MFP and I'm now in maintenance. You can do it without their help. I'm living proof.
  • woodsophie555mfp
    woodsophie555mfp Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there x I quit weightwatchers due to the new free foods I had so little points and didn't eat the free stuff
  • dsolinger697
    dsolinger697 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    At the end of the month, I will be cancelling my membership and therefore will be an official WW dropout. I hated the Freestyle program because my eyes are bigger than my stomach and need portion control. All those 0 point foods were calling to me and I would overeat them. It didn't matter if I was already. I really miss from the former program the health checks and the measurements log plus a number of other things. I am a meat and egg person so unless I see a visual reminder I will conveniently forget about vegetables at least until my garden is in full swing. I had lost 30 lbs and kept it off for almost 2 years on the previous WW program. I then used Myfitnesspal to maintain. Life happened (lots of stress) and I have put 20 lb back on. The 6 weeks I did Freestyle I either didn't lose or gained! I have been doing this application for about 6 weeks now and have lost 11 pounds. I am so much happier but have challenges like everyone. I am in my late 50's and looking for some support. I would be pleased to offer the same. Thank you.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    WW methods never worked for me. i was so strict following guidlines and all and still not losing any weight and they were blaming me for it as if i was cheating or something. I was always disappointed and felt like a failure after those meetings. did it few months and gave it up. did calorie counting and iifym logging all on a app much like MFP. that was 8 years ago. lost all the weight and have never gained it back. Mind you, i am constantly reading and learning new ways and methods to keep it more interesting
  • louloueve
    louloueve Posts: 7 Member
    I did great with it...til he changes!
    Then I used the old style alone, but it wasn’t the same, now I find this app helps more than we did, I hope it does for you too.
    Here to motivate you if you want to see me ☺️
  • trisha1298
    trisha1298 Posts: 51 Member
    Same story here. Had success with WW in the past, recently rejoined and immediately started GAINING weight while at the same time feeling totally constrained in what I could eat. Not cool, WW. So I canceled before even one month was up and I'm back to calorie counting on MFP. Things have improved a lot! Add me so we can keep in touch!
  • 72smile
    72smile Posts: 19 Member
    Used to do WW as well. About 3 plans ago I dropped a good 20lbs, but see success for free with this support group and discussion boards. But you do have to commit your own accountability of tracking, weighing, etc. It works, but you have to work it if that makes sense.
  • HildieMe
    HildieMe Posts: 41 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi there, I'm probably the oldest WW participant you'll ever meet. First time: 1980 - they just had changed from five times fish (!) a week to so many servings of protein, veggies, etc., and a serving was defined for every food that was "legal". Keeping a weekly diary with every morsel recorded, I lost 25 lbs. and was a svelte 145 lbs. Then came problem pregnancies and a real baby, I ballooned to 206 lbs. WW had changed so much by then, I lost nothing. Along came Herbalife (green/beige magic pills, no longer available) and I lost 51 lbs. over a year... then gradually got 20 lbs. back. Gaining three pounds a year will get you there faster than you think!

    My last encounter with WW was in 2013, they introduced gaining WW points through exercise. Way too much freedom for me! Fruits will get me in trouble every time. I lost 4 lbs. over three months, spending over $100. I thought it wasn't worth the fee... Now I checked out today's "free" foods, that's just laughable. Might as well post a sign on the fridge: "Eat less, and you'll lose weight!" Much cheaper, and just as effective... If you could self-direct your weight loss with the knowledge that's out there, you would never have been overweight in the first place.
  • vivianlcoots62
    vivianlcoots62 Posts: 4 Member
    Amen to HildiMe. If we didn’t have some problems with quantity we wouldn’t have a weight issue.
  • gscrawford20
    gscrawford20 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to my fitness pal and hope I have stumbled upon the help I need. I am 71 years old, with 2 knee replacements and Plantar Fasciitis (sp?) in both feet so exercising isn't as easy as taking a brisk walk! I am doing some machines for upper and lower body at my local fitness place. I am hoping with that and watching my calories, that I can have success. My husband is joining me and together we will hopefully get some results. I am tired of just barely fitting into my clothes. I also bought some cook books on low glycemic recipes. Now if I can only see results, I will definitely stick to it for a change!