Just starting back

I used to be 310 lbs and then I managed to get down to 135 lbs. After that my dad died and I gained back 50 lbs. Now I'm starting again. I know it's not that much to lose, but to me it feels like a mountain. I got a gym membership and have gone 6 days a week since I got it 3 weeks ago. Today I pushed hard. I did 15 minutes of weight lifting and then over 60 minutes on the treadmill. I will lose this weight and I will have a banging body. If anyone wants to add me and become inspiration buddies please do!!


  • goldphly
    goldphly Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I’m sort of in the same boat and found your message hit home. I had lost 55 pounds and was 8 lbs to my goal weight. In the span of 8 months I lost my sister in law and my dad and gained about 20 lbs after they passed.
    Now I’m back in the game and am determined to get back to my goal! Back to eating healthy and working out!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    You are both amazing! I have no doubt you will reach your goals. So sorry for your loss. I lost my parents a few years ago and it’s so hard to handle all that you go through.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    edited March 2018
    First, I am so sorry for your loss.

    I also lost a lot of weight, got almost to my goal weight (within 30lbs) and then encountered some health problems that required me to completely re-adjust what I can and can't eat and thus gained back another 25. So I have about 50lbs left to lose as well. the original ~30 and the gained ~20. It's hard, but I comfort myself with the fact that while I may have gained some, I did not regain it *all*. I think it's important to realize.

    So I've started counting again and working out and getting active doing things I enjoy doing. The loss is slow (isn't it always XD) but I promise myself that I will reach my proverbial finish line this time.

    You can too!!
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, sorry for your loss.

    I am around 14lbs away from goal but right now it feels like 114 ibs, I just feel like its a mountain which I know realistically it isn't.
    I have just returned from a 3 week holiday and I think everything has just caught up with me and I am feeling sorry for myself, I do intend to get back on the waggon and just need a big kick up the back side...
    moan over.

    good luck, Im sure you will both rock it.
  • eaoppenheim
    eaoppenheim Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 100 lbs then started a job that I LOVE but requires me to be on the road all the time. I've gained 80lbs back. I have no motivation or energy to go back to tracking. Plus I take medication that causes me to be hungry all the time and I am now too tired from work to keep spending all my time hungry. But now I'm so out of shape that I'm in pain all the time. I don't know how to make myself not eat when I'm hungry. I've tried eating more protein and fat, but it just doesn't matter.
  • JamieAmble
    JamieAmble Posts: 23 Member
    Sorry for your loss. I had lost 30 pounds last summer and gained back 12. I am having surgery in 4 weeks and would like to lose 10 pounds prior to going under the knife.