
RebaJones24 Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello al!!. So I'm having a bit of an issue. I am stuck at 22.9% body fat. I would say I am a bit active. I do kickboxing at least 3 times per week, mixed martial arts training twice per week, and weight training two times per week. Sunday is my rest day. I eat approximately 1300 to 1400 calories per day with meal prep depending on my activity level I'll change it each day. Macros are 40% carb 35% protein 25% fat. I say I'm already in a caloric deficit. I do a 16-8 intermittent fasting. When I step on the scale after doing my business in the morning LOL, my body fat reads 22.9%. Right before I break my fast my body fat reads between 22.4% to 22.7%. I've been stuck at same body fat percentage for the last month-and-a-half. Am I doing something wrong or does it take this long to lose body fat?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What would you like help with?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Did you try to use an emoji on your phone? That will cut off all the text that comes after the emoji.
  • RebaJones24
    RebaJones24 Posts: 4 Member
    Did you try to use an emoji on your phone? That will cut off all the text that comes after the emoji.

    Lol yes I did try to use a emoji lol!! Thank you, I was getting so frustrated
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited March 2018
    Scales are crap for calculating BF%. I wouldn't trust the number at all. Think about it. How can a scale you stand on determine your BF%?!?

    DEXA scan is the best option for determining true BF%.

    In reality, what does it matter what the BF% number is? Do you like how you look? If yes, great. If no, lift heavy and eat at a slight deficit until you do.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Scales are crap for calculating BF%. I wouldn't trust the number at all. DEXA scan is the best option for determining true BF%.

    In reality, what does it matter what the BF% number is? Do you like how you look? If yes, great. If no, lift heavy and eat at a slight deficit until you do.

    Totally agree with this. Scales are total crap at this calculation, not accurate at all. Shake up your food choices, be really careful for a few weeks to eat as healthy as possible with lots of white fish for your protein if you can. I do this to give myself a confidence push here and there as it really makes a difference. Most are pretty healthy eaters 80% of the time, which is perfect, but there are times here and there where I make sure to give 100% effort in this area and it makes a huge impact.
    You are doing everything right, but I would suggest to not worry so much about the fasting and just feed your body really healthy for a short time and you will see a difference for sure.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Scales are crap for calculating BF%. I wouldn't trust the number at all. Think about it. How can a scale you stand on determine your BF%?!?

    DEXA scan is the best option for determining true BF%.

    In reality, what does it matter what the BF% number is? Do you like how you look? If yes, great. If no, lift heavy and eat at a slight deficit until you do.

    yup, this! those scales are wildly inaccurate for bodyfat - are you happy with everything else other than that number on the scale?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited March 2018
    Is that you in the Avatar picture associated with your profile (which is tiny on my phone), and if yes, which of the three?

    Reason for question is to put the bio impedence scale results in perspective as they are often less accurate than the mark 1 eyeball
  • RebaJones24
    RebaJones24 Posts: 4 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Is that you in the Avatar picture associated with your profile (which is tiny on my phone), and if yes, which of the three?

    Reason for question is to put the bio impedence scale results in perspective as they are often less accurate than the mark 1 eyeball

    They are all the same person. That is what I weighed after I have my first LO. My body has changed a bit since I've had my second LO, she's 7 months now.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited March 2018
    So are you currently similar to any of the three, and if yes, left, right, or centre? See my previous post for reason for question
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Even when I was thinner, my body fat percentage was still pretty high. I don't know how much you can fight Mother Nature.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited March 2018
    Anyway. Are you losing weight OR seeing results visually or in your clothes fit, measuring tape or even the blessed bio impedence scale? Then great!!!

    Keep at it!!!

    If not seeing any results, let's talk about how you estimate your food intake...

    And as Kimmy mentioned below and I've been trying to determine... you're pretty lean already if you're at the level of either edge picture. So what are your goals?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Hello al!!. So I'm having a bit of an issue. I am stuck at 22.9% body fat. I would say I am a bit active. I do kickboxing at least 3 times per week, mixed martial arts training twice per week, and weight training two times per week. Sunday is my rest day. I eat approximately 1300 to 1400 calories per day with meal prep depending on my activity level I'll change it each day. Macros are 40% carb 35% protein 25% fat. I say I'm already in a caloric deficit. I do a 16-8 intermittent fasting. When I step on the scale after doing my business in the morning LOL, my body fat reads 22.9%. Right before I break my fast my body fat reads between 22.4% to 22.7%. I've been stuck at same body fat percentage for the last month-and-a-half. Am I doing something wrong or does it take this long to lose body fat?
    1. Scales are not reliable for BF%
    2. 22% BF is actually a pretty lean % for a woman. Are you trying to compete or something that requires you to get very lean?
    3. The leaner you are, the harder it is to lose, so yes, it could take weeks or months to see the % shift measurably.
    4. Are you happy with your weight and how you look, and if not, what specifically are you trying to change?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2018
    But what about your weight? Are you losing, maintaining weight? If your deficit is really small it will be hard to see body fat losses.

    Are you already at a healthy weight, cannot tell by your profile pic about how much you weigh? Are you taking body measurements?

    Adding the intermittent fasting has nothing to do with body fat loss, its just an eating schedule and your macros are fine, choose the macros what works for you and your training... to lose body fat you need to be in a calorie deficit.

    eta: those home scales for measuring body composition are very inaccurate. You need to use scale weight, body measurements and progress photos for tools to help you with body fat loss.