410lbs in Dire Need of a Lifestyle Change

Hey, guys! Zeuk here. Looking to change my life around. I’ve successfully been without soda and other sugary foods for 3 months now, but am still morbidly overweight. Help motivate me on the right path!


  • cathieandrews
    cathieandrews Posts: 1 Member
    Would LOVE to help keep you encoraged as well im losing weight.
  • dtelsah
    dtelsah Posts: 584 Member
    Zeuk - nice to meet you. Would be happy to help out with encouragement.
  • 2_FitNFab
    2_FitNFab Posts: 163 Member
    Find successful friends with open diaries. For change, it's necessary to climb out of your little box and learn new ways of doing things, like eating healthy. Best wishes to you!
  • greenmeggsnham
    greenmeggsnham Posts: 12 Member
    You've made fantastic progress by cutting out sugary food and drinks! That is so hard to do and three months is wonderful! Something I'm working on is making small changes and then maintaining them before adding another change, so on and so forth. This is about building better habits to serve you in the long run as this needs to be something sustainable for life. You will have bad days but you will also have good days. The thing to remember is that even if you make a poor choice, your next choice can be a good one, it doesn't have to ruin your progress. This is a marathon and not a race, take one day at a time. You can do this! If you want another friend, add me :smile:
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    edited March 2018
    Keep in mind this is a lifetime journey and not a race. Watch your calories and be as active as you can be. Build strength and do more week over week.

    Don't criticize yourself or beat yourself up for past choices or if you happen to backslide a little (or a lot). Be 100% honest with your logging.

    Reach out for help when you need it. Don't listen to naysayers. Start preparing your mind for changes to your self-image, your attitude, your circle of friends, your family's attitude, etc. They will change, and not all change will seem good sometimes, but in the long run your life will be better overall.

    Push yourself past your comfort zone in at least one thing every day to build your confidence (doesn't always have to be health-related). You can do this!

    BTW, I accidentally hit the "Woo" button on your OP. I can't figure out how to undo it. So sorry about that!
  • bread_winner
    bread_winner Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Zeuk! Any change you can be consistent with is a step in the right direction - no matter how small. They'll add up. Welcome aboard!
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    @adarbyem I wish I could Like, Hug, and mark you as Insightful as well as Inspiring! Great post and best of good results -- with a strategy like yours you do not need "luck". :smiley:

    @DimarypEvans great start, do what adarbyem says and you will be FINE!
  • DimarypEvans
    DimarypEvans Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the overwhelming support, guys! It’s a long road ahead, but I know I can do it. When Ingotnoutnof high school I was 350lb. I started working at Subway and was biking to and from work everyday (a three mile ride) and dropped 100lbs in a year. I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. However, I ended up working sit down jobs (call centers and now registration in an emergency room) so my exercise has become little to none, causing me to gain all of that weight and more back. A big obsticle I have to face right now is my degenerative arthritis in both knees with bone spurs which makes it hard to get up and do anything. Cutting out sugar drinks was the first step and my friend introduced me to this app and Infigured it’s be a great tool in assisting me.
  • Dirkus
    Dirkus Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Zeuk,

    My highest weight was 330 lbs so I don't know exactly what you face, but I do have some idea.

    Congratulations on dropping the soda. That was a hard thing for me as well. Even though I was drinking Diet Coke, I was not having any luck sticking to a diet.

    I now drink water and Lipton's Southern Sweet Tea for a sweet beverage. To actually start losing weight I had to face the reality that I am a carbohydrate addict. I loved any simple carbs. Potatoes, chips, cookies, etc. I didn't really start to lose any weight until I switched to a Keto or Low Carb diet. I have also combined this with Intermittent Fasting (IF). This is working for me. I have a doctor that is keeping track of my health while I tackle my health problems. I hope you have someone to help you with your journey.

    This is a tough road. Don't travel alone. I'll help where I can.
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    I'm here for you!! Have a background in sports medicine and also have bad arthritis on my right knee from surgeries. I can help with meal prep ideas, home exercises, and anything else you need!
  • amlelas68
    amlelas68 Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Zuek,

    Your in the right place for sure. I had a slump myself for a bit. I had cut out foods that I thought was the issue but for some reason i was still gaining weight and I would wake up with terrible pain and could not get out of bed and put me in a funk you could say and leaned towards comfortable food. Long story short ended up in ER. I now been on a eating plan/ proper vitamin plan. I use MFP faithfully. I log no matter what my emotions are and no i can start over at any meal when i mess up. I think knowing that im not going to be perfect takes the stress off this and knowing that i am making small steps to a better life everyday is a success. I am now down 23 pounds. You can do this - stay committed and use the support group on here and you will be ok. Feel free to add me.
  • asviles
    asviles Posts: 56 Member
    Hey dude, I'm down almost 50 pounds so far and I have one big piece of advice for you.

    Get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Medical-Folding-Exercise-Peddler/dp/B00QYOZ704/ref=sr_1_10_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1521146687&sr=8-10&keywords=exercise+peddlers

    Put it in front of your favorite sitting spot, and never allow yourself to watch TV or game or read etc unless you are peddling. Peddle as slow as you want, but keep moving.

    Log the exercise as the lowest intensity of peddling and enjoy the extra calories you earn along the way. I get 1700 calories every day, but really end up eating about 2100 and add an hour or so of peddling each day to hit the deficit. Essentially, will work (out) for food.
  • z_misetich
    z_misetich Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the overwhelming support, guys! It’s a long road ahead, but I know I can do it. When Ingotnoutnof high school I was 350lb. I started working at Subway and was biking to and from work everyday (a three mile ride) and dropped 100lbs in a year. I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. However, I ended up working sit down jobs (call centers and now registration in an emergency room) so my exercise has become little to none, causing me to gain all of that weight and more back. A big obsticle I have to face right now is my degenerative arthritis in both knees with bone spurs which makes it hard to get up and do anything. Cutting out sugar drinks was the first step and my friend introduced me to this app and Infigured it’s be a great tool in assisting me.

    Hey Zeuk,

    One thing to research. Keto. This will literally save your life, plus no exercise required. Of course, exercise speeds things up, however on the keto diet, just switching your body into Ketosis (burning Fat instead of carbs) will cause you to lose weight immediately and consistently.
  • sayitundefined
    sayitundefined Posts: 3 Member
    Hey man. Good on you for starting and reaching out. I will echo a lot of what others have said. But truly, it starts with your mental health. You aren't going to accomplish much if you don't get your mindset right. That's the key.

    Also, I would say, nothing you do today will help or hurt you 6 months down the road. There are very few things that happen in a single day that will impact your life 6 months from now. You have to realize that today. Now, don't take what I am saying out of context. A single day (good or bad) is nothing. But a long string of them either way will make the impact. You have to start winning the day. And then you have to win the next day. Start small, win more days than you lose (4-3), you do that for a number of weeks and the habits will kick in, then you will hate to lose even a single day. BUT. If you do lose a single day, that is all it is. You start over the next day. Period.

    Good luck. Go easy, win more than you lose.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    Hi, welcome! I will say MFP helped turn my life around and you are in good company. :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    z_misetich wrote: »
    Thanks for the overwhelming support, guys! It’s a long road ahead, but I know I can do it. When Ingotnoutnof high school I was 350lb. I started working at Subway and was biking to and from work everyday (a three mile ride) and dropped 100lbs in a year. I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. However, I ended up working sit down jobs (call centers and now registration in an emergency room) so my exercise has become little to none, causing me to gain all of that weight and more back. A big obsticle I have to face right now is my degenerative arthritis in both knees with bone spurs which makes it hard to get up and do anything. Cutting out sugar drinks was the first step and my friend introduced me to this app and Infigured it’s be a great tool in assisting me.

    Hey Zeuk,

    One thing to research. Keto. This will literally save your life, plus no exercise required. Of course, exercise speeds things up, however on the keto diet, just switching your body into Ketosis (burning Fat instead of carbs) will cause you to lose weight immediately and consistently.

    Keto still requires a calorie deficit and is not for everyone, glad you found something that works for you, but any way of eating you can lose fat if you stick to a calorie deficit, why over-complicate things by suggesting even more restriction.