Feeling Stuck

I am a 37 yo male, I am 5'11" and currently 225lbs. In good health, and nothing should be physically stopping me from losing. I started my Journey in June of 2016 @325lbs by getting on the Ideal Protien diet. I stopped that in November of 2016 @240lbs. over the holidays of '16 I put back on 15lbs but maintained that until Aug 2017 when I got back on Ideal protien. I procceded to get down to 203lbs before I got back off mid November, I started going to the gym 5 days a week and got back to 225lbs. Since January I have been running 3x a week and biking 3x a week and have my first 5k at the beggining of May, but nothing seems to be moving. According to online calculators to maintain my current body weight with my activity level, I should be intaking roughly 3000 calories a day, my current intake is set at 2500, but on the average day I would say I eat between 1900-2300. I do weigh everything and do log most days. My diary should be open as well. My goal is to get to around 185lbs but not moving in 2 months is becoming very disheartening. Any thoughts or advise would be appreciated.


  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    What are your macros like? It sounds like you have gotten some metabolic damage and I would recommend taking some time to repair your metabolism before cutting further.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Have you taken a diet break at any time?

    Am I reading right? You've lost 100 pounds since June 2016?
  • davidpearly
    davidpearly Posts: 177 Member
    @quiksylver296 yes you read that correct, and no I have not really taken any breaks, but I will read the artcle you posted.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,490 Member
    Cut some calories. Set a number, stick to it for a while. You’ve been at this long enough to know how long a test period should be.

    If that doesn’t get you losing, cut another 100 cals. Run another test. All these gadgets create the impression that we can do MFP like we’re running a machine. The gadgets are based on averages. There’s no way to say for sure how many calories you are burning outside of being wired up in a lab.