Intermittent fasting and losing weight?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    amlelas68 wrote: »
    I do a fast once a week usually on Sundays to boost my metabolism.

    And does it really boost the metabolism? Ugh this is so confusing, you hear different things and you never know what to believe.

    No. You cannot boost your metabolism. That isn't a thing.

    Your metabolism is what it is.

    Really? Then why are people talking about that eating too little slows down your metabolism?

    The same reason people talk about a lot of things: they're getting information from misleading/inaccurate sources or passing along things they've heard over the years.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Thank you everybody for your replies! Now I have a better understanding. Just to answer some of your questions. I have my activity on mfp set to active and my goal to lose 0,5 kg per week(I'm European, so I use the metric system). I have a garmin watch and I walk between 12-18 thousand steps everyday plus going to the gym 2-4 times a week. I do have a food scale and I weigh my food, but I get food at work and I don't weigh my food there, I just do a rough estimate. About the intermittent fasting, I've read that when you are fasting your body starts using the fat on your body as an energy source, is that just bulls*it then??
    I've been doing weightlifting and I can really see a difference when I look at myself in the mirror, could that have something to do with the weight? Should I maybe just stop thinking about the weight?

    Your body is constantly cycling between fat storage and fat have a net fat loss when you consume fewer calories (energy) than your body needs. Basically, your body fat is your backup generator and it kicks on when inadequate energy is coming in.

    I like the comparison to the generator. Good analogy.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I love IF. I started 17 months ago with 16:8. Now, I'm 21:3. I love it I eat all my food in a short period of time. It's convenient. I don't have to worry about bringing lunch or breakfast to work. I can sit at my dinner table after my shower and relax and eat my meals. My eating window is 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. It helps my weight management because it allows me to control my calorie intake. If I start eating earlier, I will eat more that day.
  • liljakaren1997
    liljakaren1997 Posts: 22 Member
    amlelas68 wrote: »
    I do a fast once a week usually on Sundays to boost my metabolism.

    And does it really boost the metabolism? Ugh this is so confusing, you hear different things and you never know what to believe.

    No. You cannot boost your metabolism. That isn't a thing.

    Your metabolism is what it is.

    Really? Then why are people talking about that eating too little slows down your metabolism?

    The same reason people talk about a lot of things: they're getting information from misleading/inaccurate sources or passing along things they've heard over the years.

    Good to know. I've read so many different things, I never know what to believe.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    amlelas68 wrote: »
    I do a fast once a week usually on Sundays to boost my metabolism.

    And does it really boost the metabolism? Ugh this is so confusing, you hear different things and you never know what to believe.

    No. You cannot boost your metabolism. That isn't a thing.

    Your metabolism is what it is.

    Really? Then why are people talking about that eating too little slows down your metabolism?

    The same reason people talk about a lot of things: they're getting information from misleading/inaccurate sources or passing along things they've heard over the years.

    Good to know. I've read so many different things, I never know what to believe.

    A big problem here is bad science journalism combined with people looking for an easy fix. You have a study that shows you burn and extra ten calories a day by eating chili powder, for example, or by spending several hours in a freezing cold room. The next thing you know, the media is running a story called “Eating hot peppers increases weight loss!” or “Turn down your thermostat to burn more calories!” It’s not that the studies are wrong, but they’re dealing with really tiny changes on the margins - an extra ten calories a day (or whatever, just made that number up) isn’t going to get you anywhere. If there were an easy fix to lose weight, it wouldn’t be a secret. You don’t have to optimize your diet or do exactly the right exercise for the right amount of time in the right weather. Just eat fewer calories than you lose. If you aren’t losing or are gaining weight, there’s no mystery involved: you are eating too much, or not burning enough.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    amlelas68 wrote: »
    I do a fast once a week usually on Sundays to boost my metabolism.

    And does it really boost the metabolism? Ugh this is so confusing, you hear different things and you never know what to believe.

    No. You cannot boost your metabolism. That isn't a thing.

    Your metabolism is what it is.

    Really? Then why are people talking about that eating too little slows down your metabolism?

    The same reason people talk about a lot of things: they're getting information from misleading/inaccurate sources or passing along things they've heard over the years.

    Good to know. I've read so many different things, I never know what to believe.

    The diet and fitness industry is a multi billion dollar industry for a reason...a calorie deficit to lose weight isn't sexy and doesn't sell anything.

    My thoughts have always been that we're highly evolved beings...if everything was as complicated as the diet and fitness industry make it out to be, it's likely we would have died off a long time ago.

    In general, I think people also fall for this kind of stuff because for whatever reason we like to make things more complicated than they need to's never the obvious answer, it must be something else.

    For some things, there is merit...but context is often lost, particularly when something becomes popular and trendy and and everyone and there brother starts writing about it and making exaggerations or taking things out of context.

    And a lot of things...particularly things born out of the fitness industry have some minor benefit but it's usually not really all that applicable to the general high level athletes are the ones that reap that marginal benefit. It's like me going out and spending $10K on a set of golf clubs...I'm sure the most awesome clubs in the world are going to have some impact on a pros game...I'm still going to suck.

    As to metbolisms going down...there is some truth to that in that dieting does result in some adaptive thermogenesis due to hormones being wonky, but it's not nearly to the extent of "starvation mode"...a good example of something that's real, but gets highly exaggerated and misunderstood. The reverse happens when you go to maintenance and your hormones re-regulate and your metabolism returns to normal.

    Your basal metabolism basically is what it is...from there it's about increased activity and exercise.

    My thing is that if it sounds overly complicated and defies logic and my common sense...then it's probably a load of crap or something where the benefits are so minimal as to exist, but not be particularly material.
  • liljakaren1997
    liljakaren1997 Posts: 22 Member
    amlelas68 wrote: »
    I do a fast once a week usually on Sundays to boost my metabolism.

    And does it really boost the metabolism? Ugh this is so confusing, you hear different things and you never know what to believe.

    No. You cannot boost your metabolism. That isn't a thing.

    Your metabolism is what it is.

    Really? Then why are people talking about that eating too little slows down your metabolism?

    The same reason people talk about a lot of things: they're getting information from misleading/inaccurate sources or passing along things they've heard over the years.

    Good to know. I've read so many different things, I never know what to believe.

    A big problem here is bad science journalism combined with people looking for an easy fix. You have a study that shows you burn and extra ten calories a day by eating chili powder, for example, or by spending several hours in a freezing cold room. The next thing you know, the media is running a story called “Eating hot peppers increases weight loss!” or “Turn down your thermostat to burn more calories!” It’s not that the studies are wrong, but they’re dealing with really tiny changes on the margins - an extra ten calories a day (or whatever, just made that number up) isn’t going to get you anywhere. If there were an easy fix to lose weight, it wouldn’t be a secret. You don’t have to optimize your diet or do exactly the right exercise for the right amount of time in the right weather. Just eat fewer calories than you lose. If you aren’t losing or are gaining weight, there’s no mystery involved: you are eating too much, or not burning enough.

    Thank you for this! But there can always be some underlying reasons for not losing weight, like an inactive thyroid and stuff. I'm getting a blood test next tuesday to check my thyroid. If that comes out normal I'll just have to think more about my diet.
  • noexcuses0626
    noexcuses0626 Posts: 60 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    I love IF. I started 17 months ago with 16:8. Now, I'm 21:3. I love it I eat all my food in a short period of time. It's convenient. I don't have to worry about bringing lunch or breakfast to work. I can sit at my dinner table after my shower and relax and eat my meals. My eating window is 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. It helps my weight management because it allows me to control my calorie intake. If I start eating earlier, I will eat more that day.

    How many calories do you eat in that tiny window, out of curiosity?