I am cheating myself!

I started my weight loss journey in February because i was sick of still feeling like i was still pregnant ( i am 5'2" and weighed 146.5lbs). By June i had lost about 20 lbs and then i decided to take a little break because i was so sick of counting calories. I still continued my workouts at first....then i just kind of gave up on all of it. I don't know what is wrong with me, i cannot seem to stop my uncontrolled eating habits! Well here we are in August and i weigh 139lbs again!!!! I am so mad at myself for letting this happen.

I just started going to spinning class at our gym because i need to change up my routine (it is hard to find time with 3 kids). I usually do long 3.5mph walks with my daughter in the stroller in the mornings and in the evenings usually go jogging. I just feel like i need something new now...

Any ideas?

Thank you!


  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    try at home DVDs. that's pretty much all i do, i have 18 different dvds to chose from :))
  • runpiggyrun
    How about swimming hun? I have 4 children and I have struggled with finding things to do around the kids. Much easier when they are at school. However, I have started going swimming at 06.30 am in the morning and do 30 lengths and then I either do a two mile run after or run the next day.

    Well done on what you have achieved so far. Keep going:) xx
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    God I had no idea that you had gained back that weight - such a pain in the *kitten*. My only advice (beacuse it has work for me) is to aim to be in and around my calories most days - some days I'm hungrier (sometimes for a few days) and I just need to eat a bit more. I really find that if I go into deficit with calories then it backfires and I kinda binge - I kinda summarise all that by saying I'm kinder to my self these days - I don't talk negatively to myself - and call it motivation and give myself a break now and again as we all know its not a race and we're all here on our journeys for a long time.....

    so be gentle on yourself and treat yourself with kindness making little changes that are good for you at a fundamental level.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    I agree with the at home workout dvd's, i have all the zumba ones and i dont need to feel stupid doing weird poses because im on my own :) so i just really go for it and have ended up losing so much more weight than i did when i went to actual zumba classes.
    Good luck!!
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi I've got 3 young children and find squeezing the gym in too difficult so I do DVD's when I can't fit in anything else. The 30 day shred has been amazing with massive results. It's only 20 minutes...I know even 20 minutes in a day with 3 kids is tough but I just remember that some days any one of my 3 can waste that amount of time or more arguing about what outfit they are going to wear or some other stand off! They are now used to watching me, and either join in now or find something else to do
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    This sounds so familiar. I decided to start losing weight in january because my youngest was nearly 2 and I felt like I could no longer justify my weight by saying "well I've just had a baby" which is kind of what I had been doing up til then. I am 5ft3 and at that point weighed 175lbs. Like you after about 4 months the weight loss ground to a halt and started to creep back the other way again. That was the point when I joined mfp ( I had previously done SW). I found a class which I really like - for me it's boxercise - and really decided to stick to this once and for all. I too have bad days where all I want to do is eat, but that's ok, we are after all only human and are going to have the odd setback. The best thing I did was decide to put mistakes of the past behind me and focus only on the now. I too do long walks with the stroller, and have a couple of DVDs to do. I went for the "10 minute workout" ones. After all with 3 children it is hard to find the time! The biggest change is in my motivation. I really do need to stick at this or I'll be back to my start weight in no time! My current weight is 146 and progress is slow but steady (I also have hypothyroidism). You can do this! Just start over and focus on the now. Only think about today and it won't seem so daunting. Good luck with your journey:happy: :happy: :happy: !!!
  • mrsweigl
    mrsweigl Posts: 198 Member
    You guys are all so great ((HUGS)) thank you for the support! I do have all the Jillian Michaels DVDs but honestly i would rather go for my walk through the woods with Zoe instead but i should start doing them again also :). I would love to go swimming but Zoe is only 15 months old and would just be a hassle to take her along ( i dont want to put her into childcare), but i could go swimming in the evenings when hubby gets home instead of my run just to mix it up a little
  • Clemens
    Clemens Posts: 78
    Hey girl, It's Chelle off MSSN, I suggest you getting Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire!! The workouts are amazing, It has so many different workouts that will help you switch it up so you don't get "bored" with at home workouts, and of course you can always switch it up and go to the gym on days you don't want to do the workout dvd! I LOVE it! It's the first dvd workout that I LOVE doing, most the time I get bored, but Chalene is AWESOME and she keeps you motivated throughout the workout and another good thing is I don't find her voice annoying *hiding* LOL some people that do workout dvd's I can't stand how they talk on them LOL If you want, msg me on FB ( I think we are friends on there) or on MSSN, I have a beachbody coach from MSSN and she is awesome! She'll totally help you all she can and of course I'll help you too!