I am SO upset with myself.

So I have met my goal for the last month now. And well for the last week or so I have had so many family dinners, and seem to have issues with portion sizes and control with food. I would over eat, then gain a pound or 2. Then lose about pound half and be back near my normal weight. And then it would happen all over again. I feel so fat, and disgusted with myself. Well this is my tiny rant....seems like i have been cheating myself a lot this week and gaining my weight all back again.


  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Tomorrow is a new day. You can always begin fresh and rededicate yourself to your goals.
    You can stop doing what you are doing and start eating healthy and moving forward.

    The choice is yours. Don't beat yourself up about it, just recommit and get back on the horse.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    I've been doing the same thing for months! & sometimes I get really down about it but I just keep trying. I also think about where I would b if I never tried at all...
    Probably didn't help but at least u know there is someone in the same boat.
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday i had a compkete write off of a day, went out for dinner, which alone at least 1000 cals. oh boy oh boy.. it just means today I start again :) x
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I agree, none of us here are perfect. We're all just doing the best we can. Some days are good, some days not so good. The GOOD news is, your very concerned about your diet! If you were just indifferent then it start being a problem. Know what I mean?

    We all start the day the same way and we all have a million choices to make. Tomorrow you will do just fine.
  • keepkickingbutt
    keepkickingbutt Posts: 49 Member
    I agree with everyone here too - don't worry about it - as another MFP member wrote in another post I read once: struggling doesn't mean you're failing - it mean's you're still trying!

    We all have ups and downs here (and in just about every other aspect of life! :p ) you're doing great and will continue to do so, I just know it! :D
  • 10093109
    10093109 Posts: 17
    I have only been on mfp for 2 weeks i am taking each day as a new day new calories if i was under or over yesterday that is now gone and today is a fresh start
    If i find myself running out of calories or going over i try to a little exercise to bring it back in line
    I have lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks and my husband has lost 9lbs we both hope this is the start of something new and we can stick to it and get rid of some of this unwanted excess weight
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    You probably are experiencing some water weight from the different meals which means you've maintained your loss. You just need to pick yourself up, dust off and hop back on the wagon! One thing I read recently that has really helped me think twice about eating something I shouldn't is....I'm just keeping myself fat one more day when I choose to eat that something....what a good way to look at it! I find myself remembering that phrase each time I'm tempted. Seems to be helping...anywho, tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start! You can do it!!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :0) Good luck!