Favorite leg/glute exercises for growth!

My favorite right now is walking lunges. What are yours?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited March 2018
    Barbell hip thrusts, deadlifts, squats (oh and plus most importantly.. lots of food)
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    lift in the right rep range for growth.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    For glutes and hams, I have found the stiff leg deadlift to work best for me. For quads, squats and/or leg presses, and a burn out of low weight high reps on the leg extension to end my workout.
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    Deadlift. Skwaat (especially with a wider stance and low bar)
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    Deadlifts and hip thrusts
  • Fitwithsci
    Fitwithsci Posts: 69 Member
    You can do ABOUT (there are certainly limitations) any exercise for growth, what matters more are the sets/reps/rest periods. Try multiple (2+) sets of 8-12 reps resting 30-60sec. between sets. Isometric exercises are also great for growth (hold a weight at the middle of your range of motion for 5-10sec.) because the constant contraction without movement restricts blood flow to the working muscle causing metabolic trauma (a key factor for hypertrophy). Find exercises you like, and make sure they are activating the musculature you desire to "grow". You will most likely want to use multiple exercises to hit your target areas for a given training day. Note: it generally takes 8-9 weeks for a trained individual to see noticeable changes in muscle mass. If you are new to lifting changes can occur much more quickly. And of course diet is a big part of gaining muscle mass.
  • flowerhorsey
    flowerhorsey Posts: 154 Member
    Hip thrusts, squats, deadlifts, kick backs, weighted back extensions, and single leg variations of all and glute activation B4 lifting