New to this!

legdaysucks2016 Posts: 1 Member
edited March 2018 in Introduce Yourself
How’s it going everyone? My name is Aaron and I’m 29, just thought I’d toss up a little introduce me post trying out everything on this app. Been working out for about 8 years, i used to be over 300+ lbs and actually lost 100 lbs before joining the Navy. Currently I’m sitting at 215 lbs and just started the Keto diet , I’ve read quite a few articles about it and wanted to give it a shot, can’t hurt right. Interested in meeting everyone or anyone who wants to shoot me a what’s up I’ll glad throw you one back! I hope everyone enjoys their Friday!


  • Taras1128
    Taras1128 Posts: 4 Member
    Way to go! I’ve been interested in starting Leto also. Feel free to add me if you’d like.