For breakfast?

Hi, i've been training for a year now. And i still got belly fat... So now i decided to change my eatings. And by that, I need some tips.

So what do you eat for beakfast, lunch and dinner. :D

I'll be pleased if you write the recipe off what you eat. !!


  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    For breakfast i eat 2 eggs with tomatos and spinage and a glass of milk. If I eat eggs I feel full for ever. If I eat cereal I feel hungry 2 hours later.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    2 eggs every single day? Dont you have variations?
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    uhh well i'm not sure what your cal intake is gonna be but i'm a huge fan of bread aka carbs.

    so during the weekdays i have a roll with cheese which i toast, yum! (: during the weekend it varies, scrambled eggs is a favorite though!

    for lunch during the week days i have rye bread with makrel or paté usually!

    for dinner i have all sorts of things but chicken is definitely my go to protein. (: like tonight i'm having chicken wraps, yesterday i had tiger prawns with salad.

    not sure that helps you too much if you're on a 1200 cal intake .. as i'm on 2000 but usually try to limit it to 1500 during the week days & the full amount during the weekend.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Haha! well your eating sounds good! I'm a big fan of chicken myself, so that's often the dinner for me too. I eat alot of bread too, but all i've heard its not so healty.

    So I want to eat something healthy and still like it. Cuz I dont want to be eating things i don't like, just isn't me.

    Bread with makrel is yummy!!! :D

    Thanks alot!
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    yeah i also heard about the bread thing but i'm gradually changing my eating habits or i'll just get sick of it & end up quitting.

    i suggest just eating the things you like .. but changing them slightly so they're not as unhealthy as it used to be.

    for example before i'd eat a lot of oven fries with mayo .. i still eat oven fries but i make them myself so way less fat & now i eat ketchup with 'em! :D
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Try and cut down on your sugars and grains/carbs.

    Breaky might be a protein shake with a banana and peanut butter. Scrambled eggs with gluten free bread. Full fat yoghurt with low sugar, strawberries and low sugar museli, baked beans with bacon, egg and mushrooms. Gluten free cereal with strawberries. Swap cows cheese for goat or sheep. Swap your milk for soy or almond. If you must have carbs, swap the potato for sweet potato and white rice for brown and only eat it in the day, not at night.

    Any number of these changes could help. For me, sugar is the worst and simple cabrs is what bloats me and gives me a belly.Once I reduce them, I always feel more slim and less bloated. Usually fit into the skinner pants too =P
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    Not eating bread every day, for me, was the best change i made. i put on weight every time i eat bread. It then hangs around for a week or more.
    I did not cut it out completely, but usually only have it once or twice a week, Rather than 4 slices every day like i used to.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    You make alot of good points here. Uhm, but I dont have protein shakes. Or i've been told to not use it. Do you recomend using it?

    I don't think the sugar is the problem. Or maybe in my breakfast I don't know. But I'm carefully when i ear stuff. I read and check how much calories,fett and how much sugar it is.

    For now I'am trying to eat oatmeal porridge for breakfast. I hate it, but I try to eat it....

    But thank you, you have given me many tips about what I can and should it to loose some belly fat. ^^
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Well what you eat instead then ?? Because i've also heard bread only gives more fat...
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    Mostly cracker bread. Which i happen to really enjoy.
    Feel free to look in my food diary , im not saint, but i have lost 12KG.
    I am lucky in the fact i can just eat because i need to. Which means i dont easily bore of eating the same thing.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Gluten free bread, substitute with rice cakes or go without it =)

    Oatmeal can be yummy if you add some nuts, dried fruit and a little agave (sugar subsitute which is very sweet so you don't need much of it.) I make it with water and just add a little milk at the end to make it creamy. If you don't want to use a protein shake you can make a smoothie with 1/2 banana, LSA, agave and a sprinkle of cinnamon. If you have extra cals add some non-sweetened plain yoghurt.

    In regards to sugar...if you are eating packaged foods it is good that your checking the labels as it's added to almost everything.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Oh thanks, well I had a look. And it seems like your getting the carbs and calories well, but looks like too much sugar?

    But thank you. I'll try eating cracker bread.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    ljbhill : Thank you so much! I tink i will make that smoothie tomorrow or some other day, but you do recommend to use protein shake? Beacause, I dont think I get all the proteins I need in my foods...

    Ill try oatmeal with nuts, dried fruit. Also heard that suger is good to have in it, but then wouldn't that destroy the whole "healthy" meal?
    Thank you!
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    The sugar is mostly from fruit, and not refined sugar.
    The limit is set for refined sugar. So Basically i ignore it.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Hmm. Doesn't suger make the combustion slower?
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    One word of warning about cracker bread, It goes soggy quickly. So once you have made it, you need to eat it.
    I can easily do this at work. For an alternative look at Rivita . My wife eats this as she has to make hers 3 or 4 hours before she eats it at work.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Soggy`But yes I think i might start taking that for breakfast so no worries. ^^

    But I also have it at work, so I can easily do it.
  • xkristo
    xkristo Posts: 21
    Soggy`But yes I think i might start taking that for breakfast so no worries. ^^

    But I also have it at work, so I can easily do it.
  • Deb2chef
    Deb2chef Posts: 43 Member
    I Agree with the others I try an avoid bread as much as possible. For breakfast I have weetabix with semi skimmed milk (NO Sugar) it has a slow release of energy which is good and is low in sugar and fat. I find it keeps me from getting hungry. Two weetabix and semi skimmed milk is about 193 cals.