Any ladies trying to put on weight ??

It seems like everyone is on here mostly for weight loss purposes.
And here I am trying to put some meat on .. I'm 174cm tall with a weight of under 50kg (horrible), I wasn't always like this, I used to weigh 60/61kg (which was just right considering my height) .. But later on through the years and going thru some *kitten* besides anxiety & depression; I've developed this eating disorder ..
Now I'm trying to get my *kitten* back together again and pay more attention to my eating and live a healthier lifestyle.
If any of you ladies can relate in any way feel free to add me, I think this is a great platform to also make new friends.


  • K00lK3nzz
    K00lK3nzz Posts: 1 Member
    I’m trying to put on some weight as well, almost the same back story too. I just started today with this app with logging everything . Finding what food to make or eat to get the right balance is difficult .
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2018
    Out of all my mfp friends, I think I know of only one who actually does a traditional bulk and cutting cycles :D All of them are losing weight even those who are lifters and are already lean. It's crazy when I think about it.
  • lanaan1908
    lanaan1908 Posts: 7 Member
    K00lK3nzz wrote: »
    I’m trying to put on some weight as well, almost the same back story too. I just started today with this app with logging everything . Finding what food to make or eat to get the right balance is difficult .

    think the app is really helpful. I've been on it for a week now.
    I didn't do too well on my first day ... I had around 600 calories left ..
    But every other day after that I made sure I consumed the amount I needed to no matter what. I think you just have to have the will , you have to want it very badly ..
    As far as food , you can try making smoothies (they're easy to make and consume) , pasta is great (you'll be surprised at the amount of calories a serving of pasta has) , guac is great also, tuna , chicken bananas, honey, walnuts , cheese .. There are so many options ... I understand you might be confused i was too a week ago and months before that lol but you have to research what foods you like or can eat depending on your needs.
    I think you'll have a better understanding of what you got to do once you get used to the app. As long as you have the will and perseverance to do your part and consume your calories, time will do its part too.
  • lanaan1908
    lanaan1908 Posts: 7 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    Out of all my mfp friends, I think I know of only one who actually does a traditional bulk and cutting cycles :D All of them are losing weight even those who are lifters and are already lean. It's crazy when I think about it.

    Well considering how HARD it is to put on weight , idk wether to be happy for your friends orrr ... lol
    It is said that putting on weight is harder than losing weight .. I guess the Lord is testing me and those in the same boat as me lol
    What are your goals?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    lanaan1908 wrote: »
    fb47 wrote: »
    Out of all my mfp friends, I think I know of only one who actually does a traditional bulk and cutting cycles :D All of them are losing weight even those who are lifters and are already lean. It's crazy when I think about it.

    Well considering how HARD it is to put on weight , idk wether to be happy for your friends orrr ... lol
    It is said that putting on weight is harder than losing weight .. I guess the Lord is testing me and those in the same boat as me lol
    What are your goals?

    I think it's more that gaining isn't as common, especially for women who are not underweight and want to do it for personal reasons.
    In your case because of your circumstances and being underweight, you really have no choice but to gain if you want to be healthy. It is harder for you no doubt.

    Are you still currently struggling with depression and an ED, are you getting help from a treatment team or anything?
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2018
    I did go through this in the past. Do you have someone professional you are talking with? They should be able to help you work through this time in your life and also connect you with someone who can help specifically with your nutrition, etc. When I had issues, I used this drink (I preferred the peach and orange) ...

    I used to mix it with crushed ice and drink it through a straw. It helped me get my calories and nutrition in.

    You are more than welcome to add me if you would like. I am in the process of losing weight right now; and I can relate to what you are going through.

    Please reach out to someone you trust in your community who can help get you some support. *hugs
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2018
    lanaan1908 wrote: »
    fb47 wrote: »
    Out of all my mfp friends, I think I know of only one who actually does a traditional bulk and cutting cycles :D All of them are losing weight even those who are lifters and are already lean. It's crazy when I think about it.

    Well considering how HARD it is to put on weight , idk wether to be happy for your friends orrr ... lol
    It is said that putting on weight is harder than losing weight .. I guess the Lord is testing me and those in the same boat as me lol
    What are your goals?

    I am currently bulking, I'll probably stop at 180 lbs, my abs should be hidden by then.
  • lanaan1908
    lanaan1908 Posts: 7 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    lanaan1908 wrote: »
    fb47 wrote: »
    Out of all my mfp friends, I think I know of only one who actually does a traditional bulk and cutting cycles :D All of them are losing weight even those who are lifters and are already lean. It's crazy when I think about it.

    Well considering how HARD it is to put on weight , idk wether to be happy for your friends orrr ... lol
    It is said that putting on weight is harder than losing weight .. I guess the Lord is testing me and those in the same boat as me lol
    What are your goals?

    I think it's more that gaining isn't as common, especially for women who are not underweight and want to do it for personal reasons.
    In your case because of your circumstances and being underweight, you really have no choice but to gain if you want to be healthy. It is harder for you no doubt.

    Are you still currently struggling with depression and an ED, are you getting help from a treatment team or anything?

    You're right.
    I still have these issues and it was recommended to me by different doctors to visit a psychiatrist urgently, but I haven't done that.
    Although depression is draining and anxiety is getting in the way all the time , I'm a very very positive person. You really wouldn't be able to tell I'm going thru anything.. so in my mind , i somehow believe no one could care more than I do and I hate to complain .. so to me its not a feel good to open up to a pyschologist.
    I feel like I could slowly heal if I'm just eating right and exercising ..
  • lanaan1908
    lanaan1908 Posts: 7 Member
    I did go through this in the past. Do you have someone professional you are talking with? They should be able to help you work through this time in your life and also connect you with someone who can help specifically with your nutrition, etc. When I had issues, I used this drink (I preferred the peach and orange) ...

    I used to mix it with crushed ice and drink it through a straw. It helped me get my calories and nutrition in.

    You are more than welcome to add me if you would like. I am in the process of losing weight right now; and I can relate to what you are going through.

    Please reach out to someone you trust in your community who can help get you some support. *hugs

    It has been recommended to me by multiple doctors to get help but I haven't done that.
    I feel like I could heal myself by myself if I'm eating right, exercising and being more active.
    From the outside looking in , you probably wouldn't be able to tell I'm going through anything ... I'm a very positive person although sometimes it gets really hard.
    But thank you for the time you took to care and the link; I will definitely look for the drink. It would be a major help *hugs back*
  • CatPurchase
    CatPurchase Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! I eat loads, but I eat the wrong kinds of foods. I eat too much sugar, my weight on average is 6 and a half stone. I'm swapping sugar for veg, rice, eggs, high energy foods and taken up more exercise to build muscle.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Me too! I eat loads, but I eat the wrong kinds of foods. I eat too much sugar, my weight on average is 6 and a half stone. I'm swapping sugar for veg, rice, eggs, high energy foods and taken up more exercise to build muscle.

    It's okay to eat healthy, but thinking sugar is bad is the wrong mindset because sugar does not cause weight gain. What causes weight is being in a caloric surplus. My diet has a lot of variety with a combination of healthy food and some junk food. As long as you have your fiber ,micronutrients, minimum protein and your within your macros... having some sugary or junk food is ok and not as bad as you think. If I had to eat only healthy food, I'd be struggling to eat all my calories.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Me too! I eat loads, but I eat the wrong kinds of foods. I eat too much sugar, my weight on average is 6 and a half stone. I'm swapping sugar for veg, rice, eggs, high energy foods and taken up more exercise to build muscle.

    Obviously I wouldn't advocate you get the majority of your calories from sugar, but it can definitely help you get the calories in.. it is typically less filling for the cals and highly palatable.
  • Leijing
    Leijing Posts: 21 Member
    From someone who has struggled with anxiety, sometimes you need help. If you're the sort of person who can fix it yourself, go for it; I know someone who basically willpowered herself out of depression. (It was not me, BTW). Just don't think of it as a sign of weakness if you find you need help. It took me several years before I realized that I needed to open up to a counselor about my anxiety, and I was surprised how much it helped. They give you new ideas to try and new ways to help you self-assess and learn to control your symptoms. In the case of eating disorders, they can also help you stay on track and accountable for your eating.

    On the subject of meeting calorie requirements, some days it's all I can do to meet my goals. Liquid calories can be a life saver; juice, milk, shakes, and the like don't make you feel as full, so they can be added to meals without making you feel like your stuffing yourself.
  • lanaan1908
    lanaan1908 Posts: 7 Member
    Leijing wrote: »
    From someone who has struggled with anxiety, sometimes you need help. If you're the sort of person who can fix it yourself, go for it; I know someone who basically willpowered herself out of depression. (It was not me, BTW). Just don't think of it as a sign of weakness if you find you need help. It took me several years before I realized that I needed to open up to a counselor about my anxiety, and I was surprised how much it helped. They give you new ideas to try and new ways to help you self-assess and learn to control your symptoms. In the case of eating disorders, they can also help you stay on track and accountable for your eating.

    On the subject of meeting calorie requirements, some days it's all I can do to meet my goals. Liquid calories can be a life saver; juice, milk, shakes, and the like don't make you feel as full, so they can be added to meals without making you feel like your stuffing yourself.

    I might pay a visit sometime in the future, just to see how it is and if I'm going to feel any different about it ..
  • meganphelps123
    meganphelps123 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the exact same boat, finding it so hard to get the carlories in and still be healthy foods.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I am in the exact same boat, finding it so hard to get the carlories in and still be healthy foods.

    It is great to eat mostly healthy, but limiting your food options can make it unnecessarily difficult. Adding some treats everyday or during the week can help you hit your goals
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited March 2018
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I am in the exact same boat, finding it so hard to get the carlories in and still be healthy foods.

    It is great to eat mostly healthy, but limiting your food options can make it unnecessarily difficult. Adding some treats everyday or during the week can help you hit your goals

    To quote Eric Helms, "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food!"

    It's not hard to find calorie-dense foods that will bring your intake up without a lot of extra eating. As an example, two tablespoons of peanut butter (which is not at all a huge serving if you weigh it properly on a food scale) is almost 200 calories.
  • annara05
    annara05 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m trying to gain some weight too! You are right, most people are trying to lose and the articles suggested are almost always about weight loss too.
    After some time I got the hang of what is healthy for me to eat and gain enough calories for the day.
    I wish you all the best on your journey