Any other teenagers trying to lose a few pounds?

Just attempting to lose about 10 pounds. I want to stop weight gain in its tracks


  • noorr2018
    noorr2018 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here, I’m not severely overweight but I’m above average and just trying to lose some weight to be healthier tbh.
  • adele012
    adele012 Posts: 78 Member
    Good for you for starting so young. This means you hopefully won’t blow up after high school. Keep it in check.
  • tagosta97
    tagosta97 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm also trying to get in really good shape trust me your not alone ive gone from 270 to 195 and the to 206 with some muscle gained
  • tagosta97
    tagosta97 Posts: 3 Member
    It's possible just keep pushing and keep an open mind I am learning alot as I go and am s newbie but I will give as much help as possible
  • kalincombs
    kalincombs Posts: 23 Member
    Momepro wrote: »
    Keep in mind, if you are under 18, technically you are not suppossed to be using this app, and you are likely to be reported and kicked out of the forum. Not something that bothers me personally, but you should be aware wjen joining discussions.

    Being a teenager or in high school doesn't necessarily mean under 18. I'm a senior and I'm 18 haha and since nobody ever actually said they're under 18 here there wouldn't be any grounds to be kicked out.
  • kalincombs
    kalincombs Posts: 23 Member
    Yana_bae wrote: »
    Just attempting to lose about 10 pounds. I want to stop weight gain in its tracks

    I relate. I'm 18 just trying to drop my last 5-10 lbs before spring break in April and maybe gain a bit of tone. I've been doing IF 16/8, cutting calories, and killing it at the gym lately to meet my goals :) Since I'm starting from a place of low body fat progress has been pretty slow, and I've only lost about 1 lb in 2.5 weeks despite making major changes so I'm kicking it up a notch lately--fasting more, eating less, and working out more.
  • madicstoner
    madicstoner Posts: 1 Member
    Same here. I’ve always maintained a decent weight but now I’ve started college and it’s hard to keep up. If you’re looking for an accountability partner let me know! I’m taking this seriously and would love to have someone for mutual support and encouragement
  • SweetiePie1998
    SweetiePie1998 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me for support!!!
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    kalincombs wrote: »
    Momepro wrote: »
    Keep in mind, if you are under 18, technically you are not suppossed to be using this app, and you are likely to be reported and kicked out of the forum. Not something that bothers me personally, but you should be aware wjen joining discussions.

    Being a teenager or in high school doesn't necessarily mean under 18. I'm a senior and I'm 18 haha and since nobody ever actually said they're under 18 here there wouldn't be any grounds to be kicked out.

    Lol, that's why I said something, to remind anyone who might not be quite there yet to be careful about what they say...
  • mesmithh
    mesmithh Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined this app today hoping to lose only a few pounds but gain muscle and be more toned. I was hoping to find people my age trying to be healthy too!
  • dunkind45
    dunkind45 Posts: 110 Member
    Ehhh, 19 here but I am turning 20 in April!!
  • GeneticsInMyFridge
    GeneticsInMyFridge Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm a guy in my late teens and on any given day, I'm somewhere between 185-191 at 6'0. My BMI is somewhere in the 25s, which is only very slightly overweight, so, when I'm dressed up, I look like I'm at a normal weight, if not even close to underweight due to my height and my small frame, but in reality, because I carry all of my weight in my stomach, it is actually easy for me to hide the extra pounds I am carrying with the right clothes.

    Similar to what tagosta97 said, I used to weigh around 300 lbs when I was in my mid teens about three years ago. I lost a total of 110+ lbs from December 2015 to July 2017 and I really haven't gained any of the weight back, but thanks to my senior year of HS being really demanding, I've lost a lot of motivation to eat properly and I have no idea how to do portion control, so I haven't lost any weight in the last eight months.

    My goal is to lose about 10 to 15 pounds, which shouldn't be a problem if I buckle down and start paying attention again.