IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member

This is my third post now, STILL have 0 results. Not gaining or losing weight. Just stays the same. I haven't cheated. I started just over 2 weeks ago. I track every single thing I eat and drink and etc eating 1200 calories. I also have exercised nearly everyday. I quit yesterday :( I just kind of gave up. I'm excercising and counting everything, I don't know what else there is to possibly do. I've never in my life had a problem losing even a few pounds in a couple weeks when I would I attempt to eat better and exercise on my own. I even have a work out/diet buddy (my step mom) and she's doing the same as me except she eats 1500 calories and she hasn't seen results either. I'm only 26lbs and 150 lbs, my metabolism shouldn't be slowing down that much right?? Just hard to keep going when there is not even a pound result.


  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Try opening up your diary to let others see the choices you're making. Sometimes there are reasons that you can't see right away (too much sodium, too much sugar, etc.) that others can point out to you. Are you drinking enough water? Are you eating back some of your exercise calories? There are lots of reasons you could be hitting this frustrating mark. How are you judging your success? By your scale or by the way you're feeling and the way your clothes are fitting?
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    I'm going through the same thing....slow weight loss. I'm trying to drink more water and watch my carb and sodium intake...trying to eat more veggies, protein, limit fruits b/c of the sugar, and trying to avoid sweets and snacking. It may be a good idea to get your thyroid checked out sis ended upon meds b/c her thyroid was inactive which resulted in a lot of weight gain. Try doing cardio exercises like walking, running, aerobics to burn off calories. good luck but definitely stick with's hard but you're doing the best thing for yourself now :flowerforyou:
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    Don't give up. Maybe you need more calories to fuel your body after the workouts. It has been said many times before that if you don't eat enough you won't lose weight because your body is starving and holding everything you put into it. Maybe try a few weeks of eating back the calories that you burned from your workout, so that your NET calories are atleast 1200. Good luck!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    what you are experiencing is called a plateau, they suck but you'll get off it, revise your eating plan, change your work-out and you'll do fine, this is not a quick fix you are looking for but a long term health is best! Courage and don't give up
  • have you tried counting inches instead of weight?
  • srostad2006
    srostad2006 Posts: 13 Member
    Are you eating your calories that you earn from exercise? If not, maybe you should try that. Maybe your body isn't getting enough calories. Also, try eating every 2-3 hours, just small snacks. If you do that on a regular basis, your body will know when you are going to feed it and begin to burn more. If you go long periods between when you eat, your body is not sure when you are going to feed it next and will store everything. HTH. Hang in there and NEVER give up!
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member

    I know where you're coming from, I started MFP back in September, lost 8 kg and nothing since end March. Still, I'm exercising often, eating healthily and I just feel better! Have you measured yourself yet? If you're exercising a lot, you'll lose inches rather than weight, because muscle simply weighs more than fat.
    Are you sure you eat enough? Especially if you're exercising. I personally cannot be asked with people that would starve themselves just to lose a few pounds ;) The whole point of MFP is a change of lifestyle not just a crash diet to get rid of a bit. My point is: you should not focus too much on the scales (I know, way easier said than done, I'm also still working on that!!) but on other positive changes in your life and the rest will just follow once you're there :)
    I hope this has helped a bit and hang in there :)
  • There are results, just not the ones you're looking for. Just because the scale hasn't budged doesn't mean nothing has changed. If you're making wise food choices and exercising, then your body is becoming healthier even when that doesn't translate to changed weight.

    Are you drinking enough water? Also, you may find it works better if you increase your calories some, or cycle them.

    Don't give up. That's the one thing that will GUARANTEE you get no results.
  • This tool is merely just that, a tool. I use it as a guide because I can't just track my calories in my head like others can. Try reviewing your environment more (sleep patterns, stress at work/school, the time you eat & how diverse of an exercise routine). If you are within your normal BMI it will be harder to lose weight and requires more focus to the kinds of food you eat (not just calories) and your workouts (lift more weights to tone up).
    Keep it up. You'll do fine.:smile:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    1. Open diary.
    2. Listen and learn.

    Good luck!
  • 2 weeks isn't a very long time, check it again after a month and see
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone, thank so much!!
    I'm going to keep trucking a long. I'm going try everything everyone told me :happy:

    Hope to give a better update soon...
  • 1200 calories is not very many calories if you are exercising each day.
    How much are you exercising? I've found that I have to enter in fewer calories burned for the exercise than what is typically reported. I've been exercising for years, so I think my body is more efficient at burning calories (ex. typically, the standard for running is 100 calories burned for 1 mile of running. I count 75 calories per mile.) I always enter lower than what is suggested, and this has helped me. I have mine set up to lose 1 lb per wk. I enter all my food and all of my exercise, and then I try to finish the day with around 100-200 calories left over (in the bank) That way, during the wk, when I have a day that goes over a little, it's all good. I drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water. Most days it's much more because of my exercise.

    Don't give up! You can do this. Good Luck
    I'm also finding great results with the Supreme 90 day dvds - $20.00 for 10 dvds (Walmart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond)
    BUT - I've learned through MANY years of trying - not matter how much you exercise, you have to be VERY diligent about the calories (I run marathons (26.2 miles) and I still have to track calories - no free passes)
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    All that scale knows is the effect of gravity on your body. It doesn't know if your overall health is improving, if inches are falling away unnoticed, or anything else for that matter. Don't give the scale your power.

    Take measurements so you can compare and take a realistic look at your weight loss goals and the means you are using.

    How much weight are you actually trying to lose? If you are within 15 to 20 pounds of your weight loss goal, you may want to set a less aggressive loss plan. (It gets harder the closer you are to a goal weight.) If this is the case, maybe consider aiming for .5 to 1 pound a week. And make sure to fuel your body for the work you are asking it to do. Are you eating back exercise calories? (I didn't remember seeing if you were in your original post.) And noone can stress enough the importance of making sure to drink your water... something so simple can have dramatic effects on your weight loss efforts. If you are not drinking enough, your body will hoard it to help heal the muscles your are stressing by working out.

    And food choices are also important... Quality is important. You owe it to yourself to give your body the best quality nutrients possible. After all, your body, and YOU deserve nothing less for all that you do.

    All of these sound like simple things but I KNOW it is hard to put it all together sometimes. The most important thing is to PLEASE don't give up. You are WORTH the effort you are making to improve your health.

    Keep asking questions and looking for help. There are plenty of us on here in the same boat (I get stuck at the same weight all the time. for every pound I lose, it seems that it takes 2 - 4 weeks to realize the next pound.) I know it is discouraging, but if it wasn't hard, I would have been a supermodel my whole life :-P )

    HuG.Gs and encouragement!
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone again! I'm back on track today... Just answering some of the questions I was asked in my posts..Before I got pregnant with my first son I was 118lbs and then went to 190 (yikes! I know) then went down to 145 ish by doing nothing to get there. Then had my second son and went from 145ish to 180ish and at my 6 week check up after delivery I was 150 by doing nothing to get there and have been stuck between the 145-150 now since youngest ones 3 1/2 so over three years. I just can't seem to lose it. But I don't want to be 118 again, that was my high school weight (I was pregnant at 18) I want to be about 130lb. So I'd need to lose the 20lbs.
    I have went from drinking really no water to a 64oz bottle a day. I make it a goal.
    Yes sometimes I am eating back my exercise calories... The 1200 calories is what the MFP set me at when I made my profile, so I guess I was just eating that much because that's what it set me at.
    Yes I guess I do have some stress, I am a single parent of an almost 8 and almost 4 year old boys LOL and I decided to go back to college 2 years ago and just graduated with my associates degree this may. And will be starting in a couple weeks thru University Wisconsin Green Bay to work on my bachelors so definitely have the homework stress, I also work full time.
    So maybe stress is holding the weight on?
    When I'm exercising nearly daily it's my eliptical machine for 30minutes or powerwalks(pretty fast paced, but not running) for 2.5 miles or 5 miles depending on the day. Maybe I'm not exercising enough? I haven't exercised in over 9 years(sad to admit).

    Hope I answered most of the questions asked so that you could further give advice :)

    Thanks again so much everyone for caring!!!!
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