how can I improve my 5k time?

Hi all

Just looking for general tips and advice at the moment I can jog/run 2.5 k in just under 13 minutes but I can never maintain the pace and always end up having a walk break around 3k.

My personal best 5k was 27:57 but I tend to avarage around 28:30. I'm not competitive this is all just for myself on the treadmill, running outside isn't really an option in the area I live.

I'm a 30 year old women and my current weight is 137lbs

thanks in advance
Claire xxx


  • sarahrunnergirl
    Try mixing up your runs with some runs slow and steady for longer than 5k, and some days where you do short burst of speed.
    Aw I feel your pain, if and when you find out please share hehehe GOOD LUCK!!! You CAN DO IT!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I was told to run 3X a week, and do three different types of runs:

    On sundays I do a long run - more than 5k - but slow. If you have a heart rate monitor, keep it under 160bpm.
    Then tues I do sprint intervals - 2mins as fast as you can, then 3 mins slow run or walk - 8-10X.
    Then thurs I do a 4-5k run starting slowly and increasing speed so that at the half way mark I'm running at my peak pace, then on the way back slowing down to the speed I started at.

    I mix this up with 3 days of cross training (bike, swimming or elliptical) and 1 rest day.

    I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, and in 10days I'll try a 5k and see what impact that has had on my speed. Fingers crossed!

    Feel free to add me, and I can see if I can send my schedule to you (is based on doing 5k fast in early October). x
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Sounds like great advice from LittleMisAlx. I've been told similar things, and am determined to break the 28 min barrier!!

    Luckily I've found a local park where they do a free times 5k run every saturday and am hoping that will help.

    Good luck and let us know any good tips! x
  • Clairemaybride
    Thanks for the reply's at the moment I get to the gym 3 days a week & my routines are.

    day 1 - fast as I can 2.5k & cool down then lots of squats, situps and freeweights mainly upper body.
    day 2 - 5k run and lower body weight machines.
    day 3 - 30 minites on the crosstrainer intervals between forward and reverse then stretching & core work.

    I work 2 days per week, I have a 7 month old baby the rest of the time; and I walk to and from work which is 10k. This is a brisk pace but definatly a walk.

    I tend to put the tradmill on random setting so I go slightly up and down hills as I run and its on a 11.5k per hour pace untill I can take no more. Guess I could run faster and do intervals on a flat running setting.

    Thanks again for your replys so far xx
  • Clairemaybride
    Sophieshaped i've only broken 28 mins once and I was in a really bad mood; maybe I just need to get fired-up beforehand i'm usually such a mild person.
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Sophieshaped i've only broken 28 mins once and I was in a really bad mood; maybe I just need to get fired-up beforehand i'm usually such a mild person.

    Ahahahahh I've had that exact same thing! A little bit of anger and adrenaline and you can forget your burning lungs!

    I know it's quite a way from you, but they do free timed 5Km runs in Crystal Palace Park every Saturday. Be warned though - it's hilly, just like Raynes Park & Wimbledon!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I know it's quite a way from you, but they do free timed 5Km runs in Crystal Palace Park every Saturday. Be warned though - it's hilly, just like Raynes Park & Wimbledon!

    Ooh. I spend most of my weekends in London and that sounds totally awesome!
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    mix in a hill run workout and that should do it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    On the treadmill, I just fiddle with the speed constantly. Start out at a pace I can do comfortably, then bump it up after a few minutes, bump it up a bit more, bump it up a bit more, then slow back down for a few minutes, then creep back up again.

    I learned to run on a treadmill, but since I've switched to running outside, I find it really difficult to stay at one consistent speed on the 'mill. I'm used to speeding up and slowing down as needed, so I try to replicate that on the treadmill.
  • Clairemaybride
    Thanks for all the great tips guys,

    Cathcakey I know Crystal Palace well as we have really good friends that live there. Always nice to visit the dinosaw park lol. Unfortunatly I work on Saturdays in Wandsworth so thats a no go. There is a free 5k running club in Wimbledon but Mr R doesn't get home in time to take over baby duties for me to get to the meet.