Has anyone gotten premium and do you like or dislike? why

I'd join premium but don't really see anything that is worth the 50 dollars per year to get it. the only thing I think i'd like is that i'd be able to stop the tracker from adding calories for exercise. I don't want to eat my calories and it makes it a little harder to figure things out. I looked at the contract it is sort of scary. It sounds like i'm at risk by joining, too legal of a contract for something that is so minor.


  • Nyxks
    Nyxks Posts: 10 Member
    I've got prim and honestly atm can't see the difference between non and it.
  • CharlieAnn31
    CharlieAnn31 Posts: 45 Member
    thanks Momepro.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    It's helpful to be able to modify daily calories limits and things. useful for carb cycling or like a Sunday maintenance day. I like it.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    I like the daily callorie goals and the whole veiwing nutrition side of stuff ... is it worth the $50 ... to me yes, but then some of that is also, I use the tool I like to support it .. yes I know, crazy speak !
  • adarbyem
    adarbyem Posts: 83 Member
    I like the Ad-Free experience and the ability to track my macros. Between this premium app, my premium pandora subscription, and my gym membership, I am still saving a lot of money. I pay $50 per month on apps and gym, BUT i'm NOT spending the $360.00 per month on beer anymore, so it's totally worth it to me.
  • Emmygm
    Emmygm Posts: 80 Member
    I tried it last year. Honestly, I didn't use the added features all that often. It would work really well if you are doing intermittant fasting or something. Otherwise, there isn't much difference from the free version. I liked ad free though.
  • CharlieAnn31
    CharlieAnn31 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for all your responses. It is very helpful in making my decision. I'm probably going to go for it. 50 isn't that much, only like 4 dollars per day. And, Like Emmy, if i don't use it will not get it again next time.