I really need support

trisha5k Posts: 10 Member
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Hi there,
I gained over 100 pounds 5 years ago and now want it gone. I have great intenntions and get started then fizzle out when i dont see what i want. I know I did not put it on overnight so it wont come off overnight but Lord it seems a lot slower coming off. I am mid 40's now and done went threw surgically induced menopoause when i was 32, could not handle the hormone they gave me so i suffered threw it. I even tried a cream my doc had maid up for me, but i figure i am now threw it so lets get to work right?? The problem is motivation I stick pictures of me when i won best body at ther beach up and my wedding day but then i just get depressed that i let myself get like this. I dont eat alot my husband says i eat to littrle and he thinks that is the problem, any way if anmyone has any ideas on how to stay motivated please help me, i really want this gone. When i had our 6 child almost 17 years ago i weighed 128 at the hospital now i am over 200 and cant stand myself. Please help Thanks for letting me whine a bit and if you can offer any help please do.God bless you all and I am so proud of the blogs and stories I read from others. Keep it up!!


  • You're here, which is a fantastic first step! Welcome. :)

    I understand the frustration at how slowly it seems to go when you're losing and how quickly the pounds pile on when you're gaining. I gained 100 pounds after my daughter was born in 2003. She was born almost 4 months early and depression took a toll on me. I finally had enough a few months ago and joined this site in June. The first few weeks were rough but as time goes by, counting calories, exercising, being aware of my body and needs is becoming easier. Just remember that losing weight more slowly as opposed to quickly helps it stay off. That's what I keep telling myself. :D

    If you want to add me to your friends, please feel free! You can do this, mama! <3

  • At the beginning of the year, I weighed 232. I now am at 172 as of this a.m. It will come off and slowely if you use this. I don't really exercise, but if you run after your kids everyday, you'll burn calories! Just be patient and make sure to put in everything you put in your mouth into your food on here and it will come off. I love this because you could eat sticks of butter all day and still lose weight as long as u don't go over your calories for the day (your cholesterol will look awful, but you'll lose the weight...LOL). I still have bad days when I overeat, but I just start fresh everyday and keep on trudging through. I'm gonna add u as a friend and let me know if you need any help using this site. It works and I am proof. I would not have believed it if I hadn't done it myself. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    give yourself small goals. for example, decide to track your food for 3 days. then add in exercise, 10-30 minutes at a time, work your way up. give yourself rewards that are not food related. keep those pictures up for inspiration! dont question the system, MFP will work. eat GOOD healthy food, lots of veg and fruit, protein and fiber. nix the processed food , the take out, the crap, and swap out for lean protein. make a list of 5 good things you can do for yourself this week.

    you can do this. as you said, the weight did not come on overnight, its not going to leave overnight. losing it is a lot more hard work than it was gaining it.

    also, stop saying you hate yourself or are disgusted, words have power. if you dont like yourself, why should anyone else like you? you are your biggest cheerleader or saboteur.

    feel free to add me to your friends if you want.

  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    if you need a virtual exercise buddy, let me know. maybe I can help you get motivated by being a little competitive about having done exercise (not the amount or speed or anything like that).

    I do 30 DS (on week 3 now) and C25K on week 1.

    add me if you wnat,
  • Congrats on deciding to do this. It is the 1st step!! Your right, the weight did not get put on over night and it won't come off over night either. Which can be disheartening I know. Other then the number on the scale look at other victories. You can walk a little further or a little longer then you use to. Maybe your cholesterol levels or other important blood work looks better. Maybe clothes fit a bit better or now you can sit down more comfortably. I had this chair I have had forever that I kinda "out grew" and now I can sit back in it more comfortably. Celebrate the non scale victories! They count too. Just keep tracking and exercising. You've got a great network of support here!! :-D Keep up the good work.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Take your time. Make sure you eat as close to Whole and Fresh as you can. It allows you to eat more. Try to stay away for Processed and Fast Foods. Spend your free time educating yourself on healthy eating. Don't bring unhealthy snacks into the house. If they're not there you can't eat them. I lknow it's hard with kids, but they will benefit from it too. Tell them you want all of you to eat healthier. DON'T USE THE WORD DIET! Go online and find a healthy eating recipe site. There are tons. Let everyone pick something they would like to have for a meal. When you get everyone involved they are more likely to go with it. I have made my health and healthy eating my new hobby. You need to take some time for yourself too. If you just take a walk everyday to clear your head. Raising kids is the toughest job you will ever do. You lose yourself and sometimes self destruct. You need to find yourself again. Good luck and we are all here for you.
  • suse75
    suse75 Posts: 33
    Exactly, slow & steady wins the race, or in our case the Battle of the Bulge ;~) There is a program where I work and they let you talk to a registered dietician for free for however long you need to. She told me to eat 1500 calories a day because I was making an effort to hit the gym and fussed at me for eating 800-1000. She said that if you eat less, then your body will start storing what few calories you have eaten. She also sent me to www.chouseyourplate.gov. This is what the USDA has switched to; it seems that the pyramid was "out of date" so they created this simpler, easy to use format.

    But we are here for you! We all have the same struggles and know where you are coming from & where we will end up together!
  • Hey! At the beginning of this year I weighed 170lbs. I almost felt sick but if I did this to myself I could change myself. So I started out slowly and pushed forward. I am now at 134lbs. Getting started is hard! Very hard and sticking with it is tougher but you have to find something that you can live with. Diet is key. It's your diet that got you here and it will be the diet to get you out. To stay motivated you have to look at results outside of physical appearance. When you are working out and eating right you will feel better. You will be able to do exercises that you could not do before. Eventually, your skin will start to glow and the weight will start to come off. Numbers on a scale will not make the difference. Your health should be your primary concern and the physical payoff secondary. When you worry about losing weight and don't see it you get discouraged so to stay motivated set little goals for yourself and complete those. Strength goals like, I want to make it through an hour exercise class, or be able to do 100 pushups. Those will keep you moving forward.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Well, this is the right place to go for support!

    You are right, it didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight either. Someone once told me a goal without a plan is just a dream. So let's get to planning ... What is your ultimate goal? Why do you want to do this? What steps can you take TODAY to help you toward tomorrow? You can't control the future, and the past is already gone. So this minute, right now, what can you do? You have the most important aspect of this weight loss dream at your disposal, YOU!

    So, what can we do to help YOU?

    It may be that you AREN'T eating enough... How many calories are you taking in? How much do you need to fuel your body for the work you are asking it to do? Are you short-changing your body's calorie paycheck causing it to live frugally? Your body needs to feel like it can afford to fritter away calories and burn them or it won't.

    If you have been eating too little for a long period of time, it may take a few weeks for your body to realize it IS getting what it needs and begin to burn those excess calories so don't give up.

    Your diary isn't open so I can't make any specific suggestions, but certainly do some research here on the site, there is a lot of really good information available here and add friends who can help you along with advice, an encouraging word or just a little moral support. We are all in the same (overloaded) boat!

    HuG.Gs for encouragement!
  • swanzeydragons
    swanzeydragons Posts: 1 Member
    It's hard but so worth it. The only way I can keep going is that I am able to see results daily.
    Here's the plan if it helps:
    1) On Netflix, watch the documentary 'Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead' - it's incredibly motivating and not demeaning in any way
    2) Borrow or buy a juicer
    3) Go to www.jointhereboot.com for juicing approaches and recipes
    4) Buy a decent but not terribly expensive scale at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (I got one for $30 that will capture my size)
    5) Keep a chart - weight yourself first thing in the morning everyday - preferably after going to the bathroom - don't weight yourself anymore during the day because you'll fluctuate a bunch during the day
    6) Do the Juice Fast for 3 - 5 days and get a feel for it - it's a bit uncomfortable, but you'll be amazed at how you feel
    7) Walk each evening for 30 - 45 minutes at first until you feel ready to do more - walk at lunchtime and in the evening - go with someone - I go with my wife and it's our routine now - we look forward to it
    8) Learn forgiveness - not everyday will you lose - you'll gain sometimes too - if you cheat a little - it's okay, just get back on the horse - look long-term and don't get distracted if you don't do it perfectly. Everyone is different.
    9) After the fast, start trying to eat vegetables, fruits more and lean meats (stick with chicken and fish). I usually make a juice in the AM for a quick nutrient rich drink (8 oz or so) and may snack on blueberries, radishes, celery, raspberries, applies throughout the day. At lunch, a salad using just oil and vinegar (which is surprisingly good, really). Dinner, I look forward to, is when we have a decent meal - lean meat, low carbs, veggies grilled, maybe a nice sandwich.
    10) Try to count your calories with myfitnesspal - it's more of an education and it really let's you know where you slipped. Over time, you end up relearning all you need to know about the food in the stores!
    11) Stay away from as many foods that come in boxes as you can. Fresh is best.

    Hope this helps!
  • trisha5k
    trisha5k Posts: 10 Member
    Thnak you all for the advice and encouragment I am keeping this open and asking questions as i go. Thank you again you all seem great.
  • Well all is not lost ... 200 is just a number while in reality it seems like a nighmare... I'm trying to shed some extra pounds myself and thus far have lost just 3lbs... It has been a long hard struggle but it's all about change... You can't do the same thing every day and expect to see a different result. You have to change something. I started out walking with my girlfriend every afternoon doing about 3 miles a day. From there, I've started riding a bicycle and she and i ride about 10 miles a day currently. Everyone has friends around them.. Pick someone who is trying to achieve the same or close to the same goal as you are and buddy up... Motovation seems to be the key to all of the success. The one thing you need to remember here is, You're no spring chicken any longer... Age has alot to do with how our body's burn calories now... Our metabolism slows down tremendously after the age of 40... It will take you and i and the rest of the world to see results more slower than someone in their 30's... This site will help you determine how many calories you should be taking in daily. Follow the tabs at the top and put in your current weight, height and age, it will tell you your limits for the day... Following the numbers along with a little excersise, you should see the pounds drop off.... Don't expect it to happen in the first week or the second week for that matter, you should start seeing results around your 5th week... Remember what you're doing when you start seeing results and repeat the process... Once you get your stanama up, start increasing your excersise amount.. Don't try and over do it, You will burn yourself out and you won't complete the process... It's ok to take a day off from any excersise but remember you must continue.

    I wish you the best all all good luck on the long road ahead...

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