Busy Mom looking for motivation and support from other busy mommas!

Busy working mom of 2 young kids, just looking for insight, answers to my questions, motivation and support. How the hell do we do it?!! I'm trying! :) Just need to know I'm not the only busy beyond crazy mom looking to keep on regular healthy eating habits and get my body back. Having the occasional glass of wine or beer to keep sane....haha Lets motivate each other and chat mom life!


  • 001amanda
    001amanda Posts: 3 Member
    Just trying to put myself first for once. I am a stay at home mom who runs a day care. My husband and I are currently renovating our home as well. Hoping things come easier for me. Mom always comes last. I make sure kids are happy, healthy, etc before me. Just trying to balance myself out in more than just losing weight and getting fit again. Its habits as well. Eating right, making time for exercising, moving more and more me time. I have an empty room in basement I keep saying, ill turn it into my space. Weights, exercise bands, music, etc..but the motivation isn't there. Once kids go to bed I swear I turn super lazy and just want to sit and relax. I do also drink more than I should. I feel once I feel better and motivated, ill get off my *kitten* and do it. I feel really determined this time around.

    CaliMom, omg amazing you lost over 50 pounds!!!!! Super awesome!! I'm gonna do it!! I am!
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    You absolutely can do it! I get the feeling of wanting something for yourself for once. I finally joined a gym a few months ago, and now I go to Body Pump 2-3 times per week. I am very protective of that time because it is 100% for me, probably the only regular thing that is, lol. As far as working out at night when tired, sometimes I just force myself to jump on the elliptical anyway and power through. The wine and beer is a calorie killer. I only have a glass very occasionally because of that, but you can have anything you save room for. I learned that losing weight (if you actually need to lose weight) is mostly about how many calories I take in, and less related to exercise. Exercise makes me feel healthier, stronger and less jiggly, and allows me to eat (a little) more.
  • Danuelle11
    Danuelle11 Posts: 22 Member
    Mine are older now, 11&13. I’ve learned not to beat myself up for not doing things “the right way.” I haven’t had time to really work out. (4 sports running at one time- too bad THAT doesn’t count as cardio!) I started logging everything and sticking with it and have an accountability group on fb where we send in our weight each week. I’ve been consistent and conscious of what I’ve put in and have had good success since I’ve restarted after Thanksgiving. When I can, I go to the gym and my younger one often asks to join me. Even though I have a “desk job” I make sure I’m active and stay on my feet. Throw in squats and lunges and walks when I can.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Add me if you'd like. Working outside the home 40 hours a week, two kids under two and doing a c25k app at the moment to motivate and get me back into running. I have no idea how we keep it all together and still manage to take care of EVERYONE under the sun. We are women warriors and we are freakin' AMAZING!!
  • Stinaseward
    Stinaseward Posts: 14 Member
    I’ve got a one year old, two year old, homeschooled 11 year old, and a 13 year old. I stay home, but am trying to work from home as a blogger, and also manage our garden and greenhouse and do anything else I can to afford to be home. It’s hard to carve out time for my health.

    I’ve found that using one evening a week for food prep and planning is really important. If I don’t force myself to make that time, I will end up messing up.

    Friday evening I prepped a bunch of chicken and mushroom meatballs for the freezer, and smoked a package of chicken breast. I purchased salad stuff, and also the stuff to make a couple of my go-to meals that I often have for lunch (tostadas, and tomatoes with cottage cheese and balsamic vinegar). This way I know that I have some stuff in the fridge I can eat, and I don’t end up ravenous and heading for Jack in the Box!

  • melissarose4
    melissarose4 Posts: 15 Member
    I just sent you a friend invite. I TOTALLY understand the struggle! I am a working mom with two little ones and it is SO hard sometimes to find time and energy to be healthy. I've found that I just have to adapt a "do what I can" attitude and accept that I just may not be able to be "perfect" these days. I can't always exercise, sometimes the house is a mess, and on the other hand sometimes I magically find the time to meal prep, track, and eat right. Week to week my life is a juggling act and sometimes a ball drops now and then (like today - totally forgot my son had his six month dr. appointment - so I'm scrambling to find time in my work day to get him over there!)

    Do what you can, and that's all you can do! Try to make healthy choices, but give yourself a break when you need to relax at the end of the day.
  • melir85
    melir85 Posts: 12 Member

    Hi there,

    Melissa, single full time working momma of a 9 yr old growing boy. I totally feel you on all that you said. I used to look at this goal of mine as unrealistic because I'm alwasys on the go with absolutely no help so I though it'd be impossible. But with the help of pinterest and meal prepping my breakfast and lunches for the week every Sat or Sun night. I've been able to make this dream a reality.

    Feel free to add me :) I'd love to follow you along your journey and be of some help and/or motivation.
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Working momma over here! I have a 2 1/2 year old tornado... I mean son! I've been struggling with motivation and losing weight since he was born, and I think it's just a matter of buckling down and getting it done. I have a gym membership and can take kiddo for up to 2 hours a day, but after being at daycare all day, he's not always too happy about the idea of going there so it's hard to find the time to go. I'm hoping to find some things I can do at home to fill in those days I can't make it to a class.

    My main issue is eating. If I see junk food, it gets eaten which is ridiculous because I'm an adult and have the ability to say no. I just don't. Be friends with me and kick my butt into shape! I promise to do the same. :)
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    It does require some prioritizing of yourself but it's not as hard as you think. Starting out, people have a tendency to think they have to do everything all at once. They need to completely change their diet, start a new exercise plan, track all of their food, etc. That kind of mindset is overwhelming and easy to give up on. The only thing you really have to do to lose weight is track your calorie intake, and the only thing necessary for that is a digital food scale and measuring cups. So the first step I recommend is getting one of those and learning how to use it. Little changes over time will add up and it becomes easier. As long as you do that one thing for as long as it takes, it will work.

    I joined here in 2014 when I had 4 kids. I wasn't mentally ready to use the app as intended then, so I came back toward the end of 2015. I learned how to track calories first for several months. Then I read about progressive lifting programs and started one. I ended up losing 70 pounds by the middle of 2016 and got pregnant with my 5th. I came back after he was born in April and have lost 50 pounds so far. I have 5 pounds of baby weight to go, and then I get to work on 20 or 30 pounds of bonus weight.

    Feel free to add me. I'm always willing to motivate and give a kick in the pants when needed :)
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Feel free to add me or send me a message. I only have one little one but I can relate to the struggle.
  • getskinny1973
    getskinny1973 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a single Mom with 5 children. I work a full time and part time job, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. 3 of my kids are in hockey (6 teams between them)
    So I can totally relate to being a busy Mom trying to keep up with the kids, eat healthy, exercise and stay sane all at the same time.
    In fact, I had a stroke in December 2017... so now on top of it all, I am also recovering. I love the support I get from the group here and always looking to get and give more support :)
  • getskinny1973
    getskinny1973 Posts: 73 Member
    Danuelle11 wrote: »
    Mine are older now, 11&13. I’ve learned not to beat myself up for not doing things “the right way.” I haven’t had time to really work out. (4 sports running at one time- too bad THAT doesn’t count as cardio!) I started logging everything and sticking with it and have an accountability group on fb where we send in our weight each week. I’ve been consistent and conscious of what I’ve put in and have had good success since I’ve restarted after Thanksgiving. When I can, I go to the gym and my younger one often asks to join me. Even though I have a “desk job” I make sure I’m active and stay on my feet. Throw in squats and lunges and walks when I can.

    How does one become part of this accountability group?
  • xxxclareelisabethxxx
    Hi, I'm a mum, and a full time university student. I have about 50lbs to loose over the next year. I'm looking for like minded people who are able to put a positive spin on being busy and whose news feed are not overkill on the negative posts. Be great if you want to connect & be MFP accountability buds :)
  • bl3ss3dmfp
    bl3ss3dmfp Posts: 43 Member
    You can do this!!!!

    I am a busy Mom as well... I have 4 little ones, homeschool them and I am a full time student.

    I have lost this weight before, but it was years back when I only had 2 little ones and I was working fulltime. I find it much harder this time because when I worked I only ate what I packed. At home, I have access to everything all day. Plus now I have twice the kiddos then the first time, lol.

    Its always doable to lose the weight, no matter how busy. The determination to lose it has to be stronger than the excuses to not lose. I can spend all day telling you how hard it is to lose .. but its much harder walking around overweight. So Im done making excuses and ITS TIME! :-)

    Id love some more friends! I JUST redownloaded the app this past monday. I have 51 to lose.... but Im down 7 already since yesterday-I havent weighed today yet. Good luck everyone!
  • Danuelle11
    Danuelle11 Posts: 22 Member
    I have survived thus far... Single working mom of 11&13 year olds. Big support from family. Would love more MFP friends!
  • Danuelle11
    Danuelle11 Posts: 22 Member
    Also, just started the app “Seven.” You can fit in 7 minutes a day (with easy pauses, holla!).
  • Brandnewdea
    Brandnewdea Posts: 6 Member
    I’m a single working mother of 2 so I understand. I’m trying to get back into the routine of regular exercise. Healthy meal planning for my kiddos & I has always been a struggle for me. Hopefully I can get some meal ideas from the community boards on here.
  • Kghaines
    Kghaines Posts: 35 Member
    Looking for new mommy friends, so anyone can feel free to friend me! I also have 2 small kiddos (2 yo and a newborn) and trying to find time to workout has been the hardest!
  • DaneDog28
    DaneDog28 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm pregnant with my first and wonder how I am going to juggle it all, husband and I meal prep each week and go to the gym first thing in the AM, but that will change once my son comes. I want to be able to still keep a healthy lifestyle for my family and I, but also, the gym is my mental escape!

    Feel free to add me and if I can add any of you for support/motivation/advice, please let me know!