Brushing your Teeth Talk

Maximus Posts: 12,256 Member
Ok, let's hear your routine.

Do you let the water run? How much toothpaste do you use? Are you loyal to a certain brand? Do you brush sideways or up and down? Soft or hard bristles. Do you spit or swallow? Do you gargle at the end?

So much to talk about when it come to brushing your teeth.


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I get my tooth brush wet first, apply my tooth paste so it look pretty like on the box, get it wet again with water, brush my teeth in pretty little circles, brush tounge, spit, brush, spit, suck my tooth brush dry and done.

    Are you sure this is about toothbrushes????
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Water off. Burts Bee's Toothpaste. Electric Toothbrush. Back to Front, Up and Down. Hard Bristles. Spit. Floss. Mouthrinse. The End :-)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    A little
    Colgate Total
    Up and Down
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Brush in the shower, whilst waiting for hair conditioner to do it's thing. I like that the toothpaste melts under the hot water.

    Medium brush. Small circles.

    Guilty pleasure? Spitting it out and seeing how far I can squirt it across the shower. Than gargle to rinse (and spit again)

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    water stays running the entire time
    enough toothpaste to cover the entire brush
    not loyal to any one brand, unless the cheapest at the time counts, lol
    brush sideways and up and down and front and back and in circles (all the while one hand on my hip)
    medium bristles (not too soft, not too hard)
    spit for sure
    gargle sometimes, but always brush my tongue :tongue:
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    i brush my teeth in the shower (weird? oh well) so I definitely let the water run (but i do it after i put in my conditioner that is supposed to be left in for 5 minutes, so at least I'm killing two birds with one stone?). I like the iso-active foaming toothpaste and I only use sensodine whitening bc my teeth HURT if i stop using it... for my brush i use a crest pro-whitening spin brush and i spit and don't gargle.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    LMAO how random!
    run water wet the brush, put on colgate toothpaste, then scrub! ( its is an oral b electric toothbrush but i broke it )
    i let the water run but then feel guilty so i turn it off!
    then i wet the brush again scrub again then TA DA! :)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I brush military style, learned it from my dad & comes in handy when you got 4 kids. I brush in the shower- wash, shampoo & brush in about 8 mins and done
    and no, I don't keep my toothbrush in the shower or near my toilet. It's in the cabinet. I load it & take it in the shower with me.
  • JessicaMarie9382
    Hahaha, funny!

    I make circular stokes while using my soft bristled with a pea sized amount of Crest Whitening TOothpaste (the only kind of paste I use) with my Reach Eletric toothbrush. But before all the I rinse with a pre-brushing wash from Act. I don't wanna kill the fishys so I turn off the water and brush for 2 minutes, then I spit, floss and swish another mouth after brushing mouth wash by Act. :)
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Im a dental hygienist......have you all forgotten about flossing?
  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55
    1. Floss with the replaceable head flosser I have.
    2. Brush- very little toothpaste, a soft brush and soft strokes.
    3. Rinse
    4. Use mouthwash
    5. Rinse
    6. Use whitening mouthwash
    7. Rinse
  • phoenix1414
    LOL ... this is hilarious ... and fun!

    Turn water on long enough to wet the toothbrush before and after I put toothpaste on it. Otherwise, conserve water.

    Amount of toothpaste? Never thought about it. I guess, enough to fill the toothbrush.

    Any of the Arm & Hammer baking soda flavors … OMG! It is like you just left the dentist EVERY time you brush! When I get stuck using another brand once in a while, my mouth always feels dirty.

    Electric toothbrush … various directions.

    Spit or swallow? Toothpaste? ;-)

    Oh yeah, finally … I brush my tongue at the end … which always makes me gag!
  • JessicaMarie9382
    Im a dental hygienist......have you all forgotten about flossing?

    I floss, but its hard because I have 2 permanent retainers on my top and bottom teeth, it takes forever. What do you think about the water pik?
  • JessicaMarie9382
    LOL ... this is hilarious ... and fun!

    Turn water on long enough to wet the toothbrush before and after I put toothpaste on it. Otherwise, conserve water.

    Amount of toothpaste? Never thought about it. I guess, enough to fill the toothbrush.

    Any of the Arm & Hammer baking soda flavors … OMG! It is like you just left the dentist EVERY time you brush! When I get stuck using another brand once in a while, my mouth always feels dirty.

    Electric toothbrush … various directions.

    Spit or swallow? Toothpaste? ;-)

    Oh yeah, finally … I brush my tongue at the end … which always makes me gag!

    Brushing my tongue makes me gag too! I found a great (a little controverial, maybe) solution. I bought this gel from a Pure Romance party called "Great Head" for the sole purpose of brushing without gagging...and it works wonders!! ;)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I brush military style, learned it from my dad & comes in handy when you got 4 kids. I brush in the shower- wash, shampoo & brush in about 8 mins and done
    and no, I don't keep my toothbrush in the shower or near my toilet. It's in the cabinet. I load it & take it in the shower with me.

    We are on water restrictions here in Australia and are meant to be keeping showers to less than four minutes. I try to make it in three so that I can have an extra long shower once a week to shave my legs (and other important areas) and not feel guilty about it. I really squeeze a lot into my shower time!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    More IMPORTANT than brushing your teeth is flossing. However don't do it in public like this couple I saw, who happen to do it at the dinner table next to me (both of them), while my wife and I were eating.