Foods You've Lost Your Taste For

There are several foods I've completely lost my taste for since I started counting calories. Some of these are partially due to their high calorie load/low nutrition, others I simply don't enjoy anymore due to taste.
  1. Donuts
  2. Most milk chocolate (I still love really good chocolate)
  3. Lunch meat
  4. Boxed macaroni and cheese
  5. Cake/muffins

What are some of yours?


  • victoriarunner3572
    victoriarunner3572 Posts: 56 Member
    Mac and cheese, biscuits, fried foods, French fries
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I still like the same foods I've always liked, but now I like so many more, so many of my old favorites are eaten very infrequently. I have the same experience as PP, I like it better when I eat it more rarely and in smaller amounts (I never imagined I'd ever say something like this :D ).
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    Ground chuck....but donuts?? Never!
  • galapagospenguin
    galapagospenguin Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't really lost my taste for anything, but when I have been eating healthy for a while, I take more notice the effect that some unhelathy things have on my body. Dairy fats are a big one for me - I still love the taste of a milkshake, but if I have more than half of a small one I will regret it very much an hour later!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I second the sweetened coffee drinks mentioned above. Also any type of sweetener in tea/coffee, artificial or otherwise...and any creamer other than milk (dairy or almond milk are fine to me). I used to love all of the flavored creamers but now I hate the taste of them.

    I still like most sweets, but also like someone mentioned above, I've lost a taste for most of the prepackaged stuff and would rather have "better" baked goods, my own or from a nicer bakery, when I do have them. No more Hostess or Little Debbie...tastes waxy and weird to me now.

    I would mention chips - almost never eat them now - but I was never a big chip fan anyway.
  • lindsayloou
    lindsayloou Posts: 1 Member
    I just tried to eat a reese’s Easter egg and it was terrible, way too sweet and just wrong, reese’s were my favourite so it’s a little sad I won’t be able to enjoy them occasionally now.
  • Zodikosis
    Zodikosis Posts: 149 Member
    Pasta. I still like it, but it's not as magical anymore. I used to have to carefully plan how much pasta I made, because I would eat as much as I made. It was so addictive. Now it's still pretty good but I can have just a little bit and stop. I also drink a lot less wine than I used to (used to be a glass a day, now it's more like a glass a week). I still kinda miss it some days. :D But I know I'm better off without it.

    I stopped liking most fast food junk and prepackaged cakes/cookies/candies when I hit my 20s, so there's not much of a baseline to work off of in terms of favorite junk foods. It's not that I ate a particularly unhealthy junk-filled diet before I started this (I wasn't *that* big to start with), it's just that I ate too much of it.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Pop. That's about it. Been over a year since having any.

    Still like donuts, mac'n'cheese, lunchmeat, cake, chocolate.
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    I've lost the taste for some things like pepsi/coke (still love Dr Pepper though) and ike others have mentioned I don't have a taste for boxed stuff and especially crappy baked goods, if I'm gonna splurge I'd rather have something high quality and really delicious.

    For other things like pizza, which I will never stop loving, I find that having it only on a rare occasion makes it taste even better.
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Fried foods I can't really do anymore. Most I just don't really care for the taste of now, but some I do still love make me feel awful for a day or so after eating them. Baked goods as well, I would rather spend my calories on foods and baked goods that I've made myself over store bought.
  • holytricoli
    holytricoli Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with you on the sweets. Anything packed with sugar - whether it's candy bars, cookies, cake, donuts, ice cream, or sugary drinks - makes me feel sick within the hour. Milk chocolate is just too sweet and I never thought I'd switch over to dark chocolate but it truly tastes better to me now. I haven't had cravings for fast food this year at all. I hardly ever eat pasta anymore which was one of my favorite things in the past, but I don't miss it. If I do want to indulge, I have something well made and delicious. No cheap crap anymore.
  • minionpower4ever
    minionpower4ever Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost my taste for most carbs, fried foods, and sweets. I crave mostly proteins. Boxed foods drive me nuts. Still getting used to more fruits & water.

    My soda habit has died down considerably, although I still have 1-2 a day. It beats downing 12-24 12oz cans of Coke a day! Soda was always my "go to" item when I was stressed out. Yoga has helped me keep the stress level down, but on occasion a soda is craved.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Deep fried foods-- most of them.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    None. I love anything and everything, and I fit them into my goal just fine. :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Nothing..oh except hard boiled eggs/egg salad.. yea I overdid it then ended up with gastro so I have an aversion, hopefully it passes at some point.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    1. Fast food breads (buns, subway roles, many soft tortillas)
    2. Boxed Mac and cheese
    3. My wife and I call it "chemical cheese" like on nachos
    4. Soda
    5. Milk chocolate as well. I love Dark
    6. Chicken Nuggets (any processed chicken paste) gag.

    I used to love all of the above
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    Rice, although I wasn't a fan even before. Potatoes. Fruit yogurt. Pasta. Skittles. Basically any kind of very sweet dessert that is not also very chocolaty.

    But everything else, it's still there allright - including bread, croissants, milk chocolate, pizza, fresh pretzels (staple street food around here, you can always smell them in the morning). I think I'd enjoy them just as much.