Newbie VSG Pre Op

Hey y’all! I’m a previous WW member starting my weight loss journey to better health...hopefully for the last time! I’m currently in the Pre Op stage for VSG, and today is my first day tracking with MFP. I’m not on a specific diet right now...just trying to make some small changes and create good habits during this transitional period of my life. If all goes well, I am anticipating a surgery date toward the end of May. Looking to connect with others on this journey, whether you have chosen the bariatric route or other weight loss plans. Need all the support I can get!


  • TrueHealth8
    TrueHealth8 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! Small changes are always the best way to make change last.

    I'm with you, used to be super healthy now feeling out of balance. My first day tracking also.
  • ocbutterfly8551
    ocbutterfly8551 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m in a similar situation... I’m still debating on having vsg or not. I’m still going through the appt’s (psych, nutritionist), but would like to have a definitive answer for myself in a couple weeks. If I go through with it, surgery will be the end of May as well.