weight loss plateau

I have been low carb/modified keto since the beginning of this year. I've lost about 15 lbs (hoping to lose 30 total). I wasn't exercising until 3 weeks ago. I expected to stall a bit when I started because I know that is normal, but I am still at the same exact weight that I was 1 month ago. I have been eating back some of the exercise calories, but usually only half or so. I am losing inches, so I am not freaking out, but I was wondering how long I can expect this plateau to last? do I need to stop eating back the exercise calories or should I just quit getting on the scale completely (I only weight every few days)? Any one else have a plateau that lasted this long?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    How are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Yes, this sounds exercise-related. It might be worth digging into your logging to see if you could be more accurate (your diary is currently closed), but temporary water weight retention is common with new exercise programs.
  • braineblonde
    braineblonde Posts: 16 Member
    thanks everyone. i weigh all my food and track it on here religiously. i'm pretty careful about making sure that i am using accurate nutritional information, not trusting a lot of the stuff in the database on here unless it is verified. I will just "put my patient pants on" and keep doing what i am doing. except i will try to drink more water. maybe that will help flush some of this out.
  • sibeluver03
    sibeluver03 Posts: 58 Member
    I have no input except to say hang in there! I too have experienced these sorts of stalls. It's very frustrating! These nice folks are right though, just keep digging in and you'll soon start to see the results you want! I recently went nearly 3 months without any loss. I was yoyoing the same couple pounds. Then sure enough, one day it was magically just gone!!
  • walktalkdog
    walktalkdog Posts: 102 Member
    I have been hovering within a three pound range for about a month as well; the bottom of which is three pounds over my goal weight. I weigh daily because for me it helps psychologically, and helps to keep me more accountable on days of a higher weight. I think for me it has been that there have been many recent celebration type events that include alcohol and food that's harder to track, and while I'm limiting the number of drinks I'm having, I think that's my issue.
    In the past this is when I would have given up and gone back to my "normal" non-logging eating habits, with the attitude of F*** it; this is where my body wants to be, and then gradually gaining it back. But I have worked TOO HARD to do this.
    So, I keep reading these type of posts to come across some helpful tips.
    Sorry, I've not been very helpful - but I feel your pain!
  • braineblonde
    braineblonde Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you sibeluver and walktalkdog...it helps me to know that this is not abnormal. i did my measurments today and have lost a little more there. i just need to stay with it.