Who else is on Day 1?



  • M_Shay2414
    M_Shay2414 Posts: 63 Member
    Today is my first day as well! I can use as much helpful advice & tips as possible! Anyone can add me if they like, I’d like for ya’ll to be a helpful, supportive asset to my journey, as well as I would be to yours
  • mrscamp0
    mrscamp0 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm in the UK and its day 1 today for me, first goal is to pack in smoking - did a hiit class the other day for the first time, thoroughly enjoyed it and think i did ok even if a bit uncoordinated (and still sore) but can't keep that up and still smoke, so here's hoping I can kick it, stick with the exercise and eat healthily so i can start feeling and looking healthier. Good luck to everyone on their journey to better things
  • hmmcfarla
    hmmcfarla Posts: 1 Member
    Day 1 today. I’m from Michigan. Trying to start with small goals.
  • Smash37
    Smash37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there, from Iowa! Couple of days behind you: today is my day 1! Have used this site off and on for several years. Anyone looking for new friends, feel free to add me! Can't wait to start this new journey. :smile:
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Lanie2012 wrote: »
    Hello all, Day 1 here with some very big goals. I've been on MFP for a few years and have really enjoyed it. But after losing and gaining, Atkins, low-carb, and ultimate regaining it's time to start a new Day 1.

    Looking for new friends, I'm from Canada and I love how MFP is a great place to meet people from all over north America.

    Feel free to add! :smiley:


    Every day I wake up its day #1 for me. #1 of the rest of my life.

    funny....I was thinking the same thing for me too...everyday is a new day to make it better than the last
  • Mountainlove
    Mountainlove Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2018
    Day 1 was on Friday for me. I lost 25lbs. on WW about 6 years ago, gained some back, but can't get into the new WW program. In addition, I had some health issues come up and I need to know the macronutrients. So, here I am!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Every day is day 1.
  • stacyllott6006
    stacyllott6006 Posts: 7 Member
    stacy1171 wrote: »
    Day 1 (again) for me, too. I'm in Seattle, and looking for all the support I can get. I'll add you now. :)

    Hi Stacy, I'm also a Stacy. Good luck on your journey.
    I'm in Louisiana.
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for all the adds! SO happy! I am fairly active on MFP - logging in daily basically to update my status and keep accountable. It's the first day of week 2 for me and 3.4 lbs. down :smiley:

    Please feel free to add, and really, don't be shy. If I've learned anything through MFP it's the importance of getting out of your own little corner of the universe and learning through others, and in turn learning more about yourself.

    Thanks all! <3
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    Me too starting yet again day 1, 15 March 2018. I wish getting healthy had like a fail safe rules like AA, 12 step program.

    I'll write them for you.... Step 1 - take care of yourself, physically, and emotionally.

    Step 2 - refer back to step one.

    Self care is just so important. So many people, especially moms/women tend to put themselves last on the roster. Time for me, and hopefully a lot of ladies and gentlemen to change that. <3
  • bridgepowell
    bridgepowell Posts: 1 Member
    Day 1 ..3/21/18.