New to MFP

I've been using MFP for 1 1/2 weeks now and haven't seen any weight loss. I workout every night (except weekends) burning 600-800 calories, keep under my calorie and fat goal that MFP has given me and still I'm not losing anything...what am I doing wrong?


  • osnapitzbri
    I don't think your doing anything wrong..... you seem to be doing better than me. Just keep trying:smile:
  • beth_hayden
    beth_hayden Posts: 22 Member
    open up your food diary & maybe we can figure it out.
  • McWilkie
    McWilkie Posts: 27
    You're probably not doing anything "wrong". Be patient with your body. sounds like you're doing well. You maybe increasing muscle mass from exercising which will temporarily slow your weight loss,(muscle weighs more than fat). If that is the case you weight loss will kick in soon. Check your measurements you may have lost inches versus pounds. Good Luck:)
  • cwagner30
    R u eating enough calories? Sometimes when you don't eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to all the calories that it can. I know that it is hard to eat back the calories that you burn but when you workout hard like you have been your body needs the calories. For instance I am alloted 1440 calories/day and burn usually 500-600 calories putting me at around 2000 calories/day. If I eat less than 1700 I have found that I don't lose my 2 pounds/week which is my goal! Hope this helps!! Stick with it, you can do it!!!!
  • Solnaschka
    get your thyroid checked that was my problem..
  • amberley76
    I've opened up my food diary...any suggestions would be great!
  • beth_hayden
    beth_hayden Posts: 22 Member
    I've opened up my food diary...any suggestions would be great!

    Add sodium to your tracking, to start. Your foods seem to be high in sodium. Also, I don't think you are eating enough fruits & veggies.