Relatively new to MFP

caylre Posts: 17 Member
I've been a user of MFP on my Iphone for awhile now, however I recently started logging on to the website as well to see what other benefits were available. I love it so far!! The message boards have been inspirational and educational for me. I guess the real thing I'm looking for now is friends to hold me accountable.

My husband is also on here with me, but he just looks at healthier food and the weight seems to fall off of him. As far as I go, I'm 32 years old, 5'4" tall and the weight just stays put. I know I could do a better job about exercising or eating better, but he and I let each other slide on it. I really feel like I'm in the right place on MFP, to find people who are like me and won't let me slip up!! :)


  • purplerose421
    Welcome! It's frustrating because men can lose weight sooooooooooooooo quickly and relatively easily! You definitely need some good female support! Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • Chicka_Boom
    MFP is a great tool & the people on here are amazingly supportive. You've got everything you need to make a change - you just have to do it! Welcome on board & good luck. :)
  • RealMeSomeday
    Welcome! I just started this past Sunday and I find the support is wonderful! and this site is addicting. I think you'll find the people her fun and inspirational. Good for you taking these steps to a healthier you! I'm sending you a friend request! Hope to see you again soon. have a great Wednesday!