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Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Cowhulk
    Cowhulk Posts: 4 Member
    It's day 3 with this app. And only have 2 friends.
    Would love to get more.
    Still figuring out all the things this app has to offer.
  • sevenlabors
    sevenlabors Posts: 6 Member
    Hit me up. Here for to motivate and be motivated. Let's do this.
  • XMetalMomX
    XMetalMomX Posts: 15 Member
    I have no friends. LOL! :DB)
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends! :smiley:

    I've got a full bio if you want to check if we might be compatible.

    All I'm looking for are supportive people or people who want support - age/gender/location/etc does not matter! :smile:
  • KobiHensley
    KobiHensley Posts: 78 Member
    I can always use new friends :)
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Hey y'all
  • 39andfat
    39andfat Posts: 144 Member
    add me people!
  • genchiyu
    genchiyu Posts: 244 Member
    Morning everyone. Good luck on achieving your goals!
  • passioncollins41
    passioncollins41 Posts: 12 Member
    Let's encourage one another! I'm an easy going person that loves to weakness is chocolate...brownies...but I am also a veggie lover! I need accountability to stay away from ze sweet thangs, LoL!
  • Katieboo2112
    Katieboo2112 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! Extra motivation from others sounds amazing!
  • Jenna2315
    Jenna2315 Posts: 614 Member
    Always looking to make new friends :)
  • sarahm6381
    sarahm6381 Posts: 28 Member
    Always accepting new friends,let's motivate each other!
  • cfritchley217
    cfritchley217 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love more friends!
  • YouBlowMyMind
    YouBlowMyMind Posts: 552 Member
    Yes please
  • holly_rd9
    holly_rd9 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm definitely gonna need some inspiration and motivation from new fitness pals in order to help me along this journey
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Hello all! always looking for more friends...feel free to add me!
  • gpjuarez0623
    gpjuarez0623 Posts: 2 Member
    Need more friends please add me I’m new to this
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
  • 40xBEFOREx40
    40xBEFOREx40 Posts: 208 Member
    Feel free to add away!
  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member

    My MFP resume:

    *Long time MFP user (8 years but made a new profile a few years back)

    *I stopped logging food/going to the gym for a few years even though I signed in every day to support friends.

    * I started Weight Watchers earlier this month, I don't like it and decided MFP is loads better than them.

    * I'm back and hoping to be as successful as last time when I lost 83lbs and keeping it off this time around.

    * I have psoriatic arthritis now and a few physical limitations but I really want to capture some of that beast-mode mentality that I used to have. I was a gym bunny working out 2-3 hours a day 5-6 days a week. If I can maintain at least half of drive, I will be golden.

    All friends welcome! Lets get this done.