Have you told your friends and family about your journey?



  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Yeah, I told them.. but now I kind of wish I would have kept it to myself. I feel like they're just trying to be nice when they tell me they can tell that I'm losing weight.. I would have liked to have seen how long I could have gone with losing weight until they noticed something and then I would have told them. I'm not afraid of failing, though I have many times in the past.. I'm bound and determined this time. No going back. Ever! My life changed after the beginning of this year and I'm a different person. I am living for myself and no one else. I am doing this for me now. This is the longest I've ever gone with exercising and this way of eating and the most weight I've ever lost at one time. Not going to stop here. Have a long road ahead and then the rest of my life. Sorry, went off on a tangent. :P But yeah, all of my friends and family know now. And a lot of them, including my husband, are on the same mission I am and it's great to have them by my side. It's definitely much easier with their support and being able to show that same support to them. They (((I'm looking at you, @TheWizzard, @leilahh, @RainyDayKelli, @sapphyretwins and the rest of my MFP that I've made here))) help keep me motivated!

    That sounds like my own tangent. :)
    At first I only told my sister, who had lost 15 pounds and was my original motivator. I didn't mention specifics to my husband - I just wanted to start working on exercising as soon as possible. I made myself accountable for myself, challenged my own willpower, and reminded myself that if I cheated on something, I was only cheating myself (That's a whole lot of "myself"s!) . No one was going to make me lose the weight, and it wasn't coming off unless I just got up and did it.

    If I felt that coworkers would be mean-spirited and competitive, and not in a healthy way, I wouldn't bother to tell them about something that doesn't affect them. Just do the work and let the results speak for themselves!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    My immediate family knows and some of my friends do. Everyone knows I've been working out a lot more, because I basically broadcast it to the world. :laugh: I've only told a few people outside of MFP about my plans for when I reach a loss of 40lbs. I'm waiting until it actually happens to tell everyone. Gotta make sure I don't chicken out!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first in fear they would look @ me and think, "He'll never do this". After a while, people @ work & family as well started to notice. When they started asking if I was losing weight, I gladly told them about me efforts. For a guy my size, I had lost 50-60lbs before any visual differences were noticeable. Now it's like a game with my co-workers always asking me on my updated weight loss numbers. They or I can hardly believe that I've lost almost 160lbs (103 with MFP) in the last 6 months. :noway:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I haven't told anyone except one friend and my 25 year old daughter. A lot of my family is very negative and likes to ridicule. And if I were to get down to 80 pounds they'd never admit to noticing.......so it's best not to set myself up to be discouraged. And friends.....I'm new to the area. No friends, really, other than those I communicate with online.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first in fear they would look @ me and think, "He'll never do this". After a while, people @ work & family as well started to notice. When they started asking if I was losing weight, I gladly told them about me efforts. For a guy my size, I had lost 50-60lbs before any visual differences were noticeable. Now it's like a game with my co-workers always asking me on my updated weight loss numbers. They or I can hardly believe that I've lost almost 160lbs (103 with MFP) in the last 6 months. :noway:

    Congrats Gary! Wow! You are an inspiration! And I love your dog....looks just like mine!
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
  • My immediate family knows because I live with them so they see me eating less and going to the gym every day. My friends and sister (who lives separate) tend to make it a competitive thing doesn't matter if it's weight loss, dating, clothes, etc. so they know very little if anything.

    My family at this point i wished didn't know because now they ask me every time I eat how healthy is what i'm eating trying to make me skip meals and second guess myself, or giggle if I decide to do a home work out video. It becomes kind of frustrating and makes me just want to take this journey by myself.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    I haven't told anyone besides my daughter who is doing it with me. When I have told people at school before, I felt like I was under a microscope from some. Others would tell me how "skinny" I was looking even though I had gained everything back.

    My husband knows I am on the computer....but I think he thinks I am on FaceBook.
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    nope, i'm doing this for myself! although, i do like some of the compliments i've been getting as of late!
  • lauraallover
    lauraallover Posts: 28 Member
    I'm really surprised at how many people are keeping this to themselves!

    I announced it on my facebook a few weeks a go, and got nothing but encouragement. Everyone saw it. Family, friends, and coworkers. Although like many of you I have that one person who I know wants to make this a competition, at the end of the day, I don't care. This is my life, and my health. Not theirs. Sure, there are people who think I will fail - but they're going to think more of me when they see I didn't!

    I feel the accountability is good for me anyway. I've tried to lose weight before and only told a few people, and each time I've failed. Now I'm actually going for it, and if I haven't updated my weight by Friday (which is when I do my weigh ins) I get messages or comments saying "Hey! Hope you did well this week!"

    Heck, I even have my old high school teacher on my friends list who is encouraging me (and she's losing it too.) :D
  • I've only told friends so far. My friends are, fortunately, all supportive of me in every way, so I'm lucky. One friend just signed up too, so that's exciting. I think it's more motivating for me to have my real life friends on here than "friends".
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first in fear they would look @ me and think, "He'll never do this". After a while, people @ work & family as well started to notice. When they started asking if I was losing weight, I gladly told them about me efforts. For a guy my size, I had lost 50-60lbs before any visual differences were noticeable. Now it's like a game with my co-workers always asking me on my updated weight loss numbers. They or I can hardly believe that I've lost almost 160lbs (103 with MFP) in the last 6 months. :noway:

    Congrats Gary! Wow! You are an inspiration! And I love your dog....looks just like mine!

    Thanks for your kind words. I love my Rotti, her name is Deary. What is your dog's name?
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first in fear they would look @ me and think, "He'll never do this". After a while, people @ work & family as well started to notice. When they started asking if I was losing weight, I gladly told them about me efforts. For a guy my size, I had lost 50-60lbs before any visual differences were noticeable. Now it's like a game with my co-workers always asking me on my updated weight loss numbers. They or I can hardly believe that I've lost almost 160lbs (103 with MFP) in the last 6 months. :noway:

    Congrats Gary! Wow! You are an inspiration! And I love your dog....looks just like mine!

    Thanks for your kind words. I love my Rotti, her name is Deary. What is your dog's name?

    My dog's name is Faith. She was a street rescue, thanks to our neighbors 12 years ago. She's my baby still. Because of faith, my daughter has an uncanny ability to act like a dog for hours at a time!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I have told all my family and friends. I've been trying to not tell strangers. But I've been known to slip. :embarassed:

    I tell EVERYONE. I LOVE MFP that much :love:

    This and everyone is supportive