Emotional/Night Eating and Exercise

Hello all! I'm back on MFP after a break. I am having trouble with my weight and didn't think I'd be here again, but...here I am! Would love to connect to others who are struggling, having success, or all of the above! I am 35, gained a bit of weight after coming off of oral contraceptives. Weight has been slowly coming on me in the past year. What absolutely sucks is that I'm in the public health world and know much about healthy eating and exercise.

My two big issues:
1) Night eating (I love to eat from 8p-bedtime). I don't NEED to eat, but the enjoyment - my lord!
2) Exercise: I walk a LOT but other exercise other than dance is something I do not enjoy. I've done videos, weights, group exercise, cardio, elliptical - you name it, nothing is enjoyable. I'm at the point where I KNOW it won't be enjoyable so I don't do it.

Would love anyone's perspective in addition to supporting each other. :):)


  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    edited March 2018
    There are many people who don't like exercise but do it anyway. There is one lady who goes to my gym who has been going every day for a couple of years. She still hates it but goes anyway. Sure it is best if you find something you enjoy but not everybody does. They learn to do it because of the health benefits they get.
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    I hear you on exercise. The only thing that I’ve grown to love is run. I’m not a fast runner. I’ll never win any races. But the feeling you get when I run is not like any other feeling.
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    Night eating - yep! Disliking exercise - yep! 39 here and I can relate.

    I have tried distracting myself with a low fat coffee at night but I have found that the only thing that works sometimes is going to bed before it starts. Lately I've just completely cut out food after dinner. I know this sounds silly but Bob Newhart's video 'stop it' really gave me a laugh and kind of helped!

  • chuck6w
    chuck6w Posts: 72 Member
    I struggle with night eating as well. Two things that work for me I had to remove all the tempting bad junk food from my house. I eat dinner slowly and take my time seems to fill me up a little more with less food and I don't eat a lot of carbs in the evening. Prepping some healthy snacks and planning a snack of 100 to 200 calories in the evening seems to keep me satisfied till morning. When I don't do these things I really struggle. I work Inhealthcare and spend a lot of time walking between patients sometimes I feel like my 12000 to 18000 steps a day are plenty so I don't do too much exercise in the evening at this point On my journey. I'll seend yo a friend request for extra encouragement.
  • JaiNicole7
    JaiNicole7 Posts: 88 Member
    I just joined MFP on 2/26 as a commitment to myself to finally lose this weight and get fit for good, and after the first 2 weeks I really struggled with cravings at the end of my day-which is night to morning since I work overnights. I also try to just go to bed, sometimes it works sometimes not. I've also tried to balance it out the following day. Planned snacks seem to work sometmes, like other people have mentioned. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone. :)
  • chukky94
    chukky94 Posts: 8 Member
    I honestly go to bed at 8pm or 9pm which is when the craving starts. I drink a galop of water and hit the sack.
  • lrody86
    lrody86 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2018
    I just finished eating 12 chocolate seashells :( I struggle with night eating too. I have found just persisting over time I have reduced the amount of food I consume in the evenings and how often. I have made lots of progress. While tonight was a blow out - it has been over two weeks since I have had a binge. Plus rather then eating the whole box to the point of feeling sick - I stopped at half a box. These are little victories for me. Drinking herbal in the evenings has helped me too. Gives my tummy and mouth something to do. But when the desire comes on - it can be all consuming that’s for sure!!!

    I’m sure with time and self awareness you can slowly make changes to those habits. I’m learning not to be too harsh on myself when I give in because that doesn’t seem to help in any way. I really hope you reach your goal!
  • jconey101
    jconey101 Posts: 4 Member
    Big night snacker here!!! I’m 34 and have 4 kids so when they go to bed I tend to reward myself with snacks . I just started calorie counting 3 weeks ago and have since lost 6 pounds ! I know that it’s working because I haven’t been able to get below a specific weight since having my last daughter in July . What has worked for me the past couple weeks is getting kodiac cake pancake mix and making a little mug cake with it . It’s about 190 calories and has high protein , just add water . Sometimes I add some chocolate chips or others some frozen cool whip . It really has been working for me! It’s like a healthier version of cake !
  • Saaski
    Saaski Posts: 105 Member
    I try to eat dinner a little closer to my bedtime so I don't have as much time AWAKE afterwards wanting food. I also start everyday by logging a treat for an evening snack so I know for sure it'll fit into my calories.
  • arspring99
    arspring99 Posts: 4 Member
    Absolutely wonderful advice! Thank you everybody!!!!
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    Night eating - yep! Disliking exercise - yep! 39 here and I can relate.

    I have tried distracting myself with a low fat coffee at night but I have found that the only thing that works sometimes is going to bed before it starts. Lately I've just completely cut out food after dinner. I know this sounds silly but Bob Newhart's video 'stop it' really gave me a laugh and kind of helped!


    This was awesome. Thank you for this!
  • irinamthom
    irinamthom Posts: 3 Member
    I love to eat at night, so I started to journal, read my Bible (looking up scriptures about being full on good things), drink a big cup of herbal tea (my favourite is Yogi brand Detox or Classic India Spice). Hot fluid seems to fill me up and because it is hot it takes longer to consume. I basically psych myself out to not listen to the false voice telling me I'm hungry when I'm not.
  • lrody86
    lrody86 Posts: 3 Member
    arspring99 wrote: »
    Absolutely wonderful advice! Thank you everybody!!!!

    I really hope you start to see some progress with your night eating and some more motivation to get active. It’s a really good feeling when you start to feel like you are in more control. It’s so empowering. All the best :smiley:
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Everyone has different struggles. Some days i dread exercise, but I get up at 4 am 5 days a week to do it. Some days I say am I really doing this voluntarily. When I am done I always feel better. As far as night eating, or snacking, if i did not do both, I know I would not have been able to lose weight or keep it off. I have never really felt like I was dieting and I did not approach it that way. I just wanted to do better.There are days when I eat more than i should, but i dont best myself up. I just know I will do better. I do basically only eat veggies and protein during the day so that I can have my snacks at night. Find something that works for you and stick to it!
  • candilc9
    candilc9 Posts: 21 Member
    arspring99 wrote: »
    Hello all! I'm back on MFP after a break. I am having trouble with my weight and didn't think I'd be here again, but...here I am! Would love to connect to others who are struggling, having success, or all of the above! I am 35, gained a bit of weight after coming off of oral contraceptives. Weight has been slowly coming on me in the past year. What absolutely sucks is that I'm in the public health world and know much about healthy eating and exercise.

    My two big issues:
    1) Night eating (I love to eat from 8p-bedtime). I don't NEED to eat, but the enjoyment - my lord!
    2) Exercise: I walk a LOT but other exercise other than dance is something I do not enjoy. I've done videos, weights, group exercise, cardio, elliptical - you name it, nothing is enjoyable. I'm at the point where I KNOW it won't be enjoyable so I don't do it.

    Would love anyone's perspective in addition to supporting each other. :):)

    Hi, I'm in the same boat...I made myself a playlist of Just Dance videos on YouTube for exercise (I've learned the dance steps and modified some to up the intensity) I do short hiit exercises (one's that don't involve being on the floor,) so I can do them at work at night. At home I do my crunches, strength training etc. I work 12 hour graveyard shifts 3 days a week (more if in overtime). Started a keto diet this time around, so far it's really helping with the night carb cravings. Hopefully this is sustainable for me. You sound so much like me... Or I sound like you! Hopefully you can use what you enjoy to your advantage so that it's easier to stick to.
  • toseeme
    toseeme Posts: 33 Member
    Ugh... the night eating. I know what you mean. I have the same argument with my stomach every night. My stomach and I have compromised for now that I may have jello or cucumbers because they are low calorie IF I just have to have something. But I am aiming to kick the habit completely.
  • adele012
    adele012 Posts: 78 Member
    I can somewhat relate to the dance thing. I’ve been a dancer for years, loved it, and that kept me in shape most of my life. Nowadays, I lift more and dance very little. I don’t particularly love lifting weights but I do it to target and build certain areas.