
Hi everyone!

I recently joined MFP looking for a little support with my goal of losing 10 lbs by October, and noticed that posting in the forums seemed like a great way to pick up some new friends! Here are my stats:

Height: 5'3
Age: 24
Current Weight: 125
Goal Weight: 115
Activity level: mild to moderate

I'm interested in befriending any and all people here, though I'd prefer people who are not absolutely WILD about fitness, but are doing it more as a means of improving their over all health/life style without sticking to any really time consuming fitness regimes. If this sounds like you, hit me up!



  • Nswilk
    Nswilk Posts: 27
    Feel free to add me I am always looking for friends.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Wai halo thar!

    Welcome to MFP!! It's a great little community. Feel free to add me. ^_^
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Welcome!!! Great place to keep your motivation... feel free to add me...
  • v_addison
    v_addison Posts: 114 Member
    I feel the same way you do about your fitness plan. Life's too short to spend ALL of it in a gym :) Feel free to friend me!
  • vodkaswigger
  • jeepgirl001
    Welcome to MFP. I joined in July and have lost 5 pounds so far with another 5 to go. I do some exercises - swimming and pilates but do not want to join a gym. I look forward to MFP maintaining my weight and not gaining it back over the winter. Feel free to add me as a friend. It is always nice to support friends.