2018 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • ash407
    ash407 Posts: 28 Member
    Happy to help if anyone needs help or guidance.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I would be more than willing to help a few folks. I am 51, male, pretty athletic, fitness is my passion (but not my job....not yet, anyway) and really enjoy helping people. I am quite comfortable with males or females (calories are calories, folks), older or younger, fit or not so fit. I also speak German (if that info is useful) and can get by in Spanish (you would be surprised). Sign me up! :-)
  • AdaptivePerformanceLLC
    Would like to help
  • AObravo123
    AObravo123 Posts: 66 Member
    Happy to mentor
  • ewhall46
    ewhall46 Posts: 15 Member
    edited September 2018
    @cta1618 @MikeNamez
    Please consider the "Adopt a Noob" option and one of many Support Groups.

    cta1618 shared (excerpt):
    Reaching out for support has been such a negative experience. The community is no longer booming with support and excitement. It would be nice to have positive encouragement.

    Mike shared (excerpt):
    Been on this board for 2 weeks and its full of rude people. Support here is basically non existent. Looking for advise on how to get up to a decent calorie limit or what i can do to break through a plateau. I'm not very versed in weight loss or exercise and was just looking for a few pointers. All I got was either I'm trolling people or I'm not doing it the right way or negative comments.

    My thoughts (MFP is like NYC):
    If you visit, there are endless options (and people) to experience. Sure, you could explore, stumble, learn as you go. But, you might get lost/discouraged in the process. Your perception of the community (and it's members) could suffer. Solution: a "city guide" or "mentor". A resource to maximize your experience, and enhance your journey.

    MFP has many users and uses. Focus on its benefit to you, not who uses it.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,015 MFP Staff
    Noobs, please consider joining the Adopt-A-Noob group here.

    Mentors, please consider joining both the Noob and Mentor groups.
  • lovelysheis
    lovelysheis Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I’m looking for someone to mentor me. I’m not big on yearly plans. My goal is 6-7 months, by June or July I would like lose around 40lbs. I know that will be hard and take much dedication but I am willing to make dietary changes and put in the effort. For so long I have been so uncomfortable wearing almost anything because I’m too ashamed. I don’t want to feel that way anymore. I want to go from 159 to about 110-120.

    If anyone would be willing to help push me and put in the dedication needed for me to reach this goal I would be so very grateful. Hopefully this he’s a response
  • brettakuss
    brettakuss Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! Not sure how this works but...

    I’m looking for a coach!

    I’m 27, male, 5’9” (this feels like a tinder profile...) and 230 lbs.

    I want to be down to 170-180. I have a general knowledge of health but I want someone who’s “been there, done that” to help me out. I look motivation easy cause I syke myself out.

    Please let me know if you’re willing to help out!
  • daddysitalianprincess8229
    daddysitalianprincess8229 Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hello everyone!! My name is Nicole and I am a 33 year old female living in central Jersey! I am new to MFP {kinda sorta lol I have had the app for a while now but never really knew what to do with it} anyway...I am in need of someone to keep me on track EVERY SINGLE DAY I suck at making things last more than a few weeks. Either I get bored or I hit a bump in the path and give up...yes I know that that is not the answer but like so many it's what happens. I have 140 lbs to lose sadly and a very sedentary job. I am starting the Mediterranean Lifestyle Diet 1/1/19....I am an Italian and I currently eat 95% of the foods on the list so it will not be that huge of a change for me. I plan to buy the portion bowls and stick to the plan at hand!

    So for 2019 I have decided New Year New Me like every year but this year is about both the outside as well as the inside me! I want to look good not only to others but in the mirror as well...they say the mirror is your biggest and worst critic!! I know it's mine.

    I am looking for someone that can either text, email, FT, Skype, or FB with me daily to keep me on track. Possibly go to the gym with me {even if it is only via FT}.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member

    It's 2019 now, and I bet a bunch of people are joining MFP and exploring the forums for the first time, so I'd like to make my presence known and offer up my mentorship.

    About Me:

    I am a 23-year-old chemical engineer currently living in Ohio. I have a very science-based background, so I tend to focus more on the mechanics of diets to figure out how it may work for me and if it would be a sustainable option for the future. I've lost almost 70 lbs in total so far (starting weight: 230ish lbs), 40+ in the past year alone. I exercise 5-6 times a week, but have gone periods of time where I've lost weight without exercise, so I do understand both sides of the coin.

    I grew up the token fat kid, so being overweight is the only thing I've ever really known. It was strange, discovering that breathing out of both nostrils at the same time is not only possible, but a regular occurrence for non-overweight folks.

    As a Mentor:

    I log in and make posts regularly, with a blog post here and there, for anyone who feels the innate desire to read my sarcasm mixed with motivational speeches and sprinkled with a healthy dose of complaining. As a scientist, the numbers are important to me, so I will ask mentees to track a measurement or ten, depending on how involved they would like to be. Since I am online frequently, I can be any level of support needed, from sending messages back and forth every hour to checking in once a week.

    If you think I'd be a good fit, please reach out. I always respond to messages.

  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,850 MFP Staff
    edited January 2019
    Thank you for all who participated in our Adopt a Noob discussion for 2018. With a new year starting we have created a new thread for 2019.

    Please join us in our 2019 Welcome Noobs to MFP discussion.
This discussion has been closed.